Deploy Reranking Model
Reranking Model with Hugging Face Transformers and Amazon SageMaker
The goal of using a reranking model is to improve search relevance by reordering the result set returned by a retriever using a different model.
We will use the Hugging Face Inference DLCs and Amazon SageMaker Python SDK to create a real-time inference endpoint running a BGE-Large as a reranking model.
Currently, the SageMaker Hugging Face Inference Toolkit supports the pipeline feature from Transformers for zero-code deployment. This means you can run compatible Hugging Face Transformer models without providing pre- & post-processing code.
Using SageMaker SDK to deploy a model from HuggingFace, you can override the following methods:
- model_fn(model_dir) overrides the default method for loading a model. The return value model will be used in thepredict_fn for predictions.
- model_dir is the the path to your unzipped model.tar.gz.
- input_fn(input_data, content_type) overrides the default method for pre-processing. The return value data will be used in predict_fn for predictions. The inputs are:
- input_data is the raw body of your request.
- content_type is the content type from the request header.
- predict_fn(processed_data, model) overrides the default method for predictions. The return value predictions will be used in output_fn.
- model returned value from model_fn methond
First, let's make sure we are using the latest sagemaker library
%pip install sagemaker -Uq
<h2>restart kernel</h2>
from IPython.core.display import HTML
Install git-lfs for downloading the huggingface model from HF model hub.
!sudo apt-get update -y
!curl -s | sudo bash
!sudo apt-get install git-lfs git -y
Initialize SageMaker Session
Initialize a sagemaker session and define an IAM role for deploying the reranking model
import sagemaker
import boto3
from sagemaker.huggingface import HuggingFaceModel
sess = sagemaker.Session()
role = sagemaker.get_execution_role()
except ValueError:
iam = boto3.client('iam')
role = iam.get_role(RoleName='sagemaker_execution_role')['Role']['Arn']
Create custom an script
To use the custom inference script, you need to create an script. In our example, we are going to overwrite the model_fn to load our reranking model correctly and the predict_fn to predict the scores for each input pair.
!mkdir -p code
%%writefile code/
import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
def model_fn(model_dir):
# Load model from HuggingFace Hub
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_dir)
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_dir)
return model, tokenizer
def predict_fn(data, model_and_tokenizer):
model, tokenizer = model_and_tokenizer
query = data['query']
documents = data['documents']
topk = data['topk']
pair_list = [ [ query, x ] for x in documents ]
with torch.no_grad():
inputs = tokenizer(pair_list, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt', max_length=512)
scores = model(**inputs, return_dict=True).logits.view(-1, ).float()
sorted_indexes = sorted(range(len(scores)), key=lambda k: scores[k], reverse=True)[:topk]
response = [ { "index" : x, "score" : scores[x] } for x in sorted_indexes ]
return response
Create model.tar.gz with inference script and model
To use our we need to bundle it into a model.tar.gz
archive with all our model-artifcats, e.g. pytorch_model.bin
. The
script will be placed into a code/ folder. We will use git
and git-lfs
to easily download our model from and upload it to Amazon S3 so we can use it when creating our SageMaker endpoint.
repository = "BAAI/bge-reranker-large" # Define the reranking HF model ID
- Download the model from with git clone.
!git lfs install
!git clone$repository
- copy into the code/ directory of the model directory.
!rm -rf code/.ipynb_checkpoints/
!cp -r ./code/ $model_id/code/
- Create a
archive with all the model artifacts and
%cd $model_id
!tar zcvf model.tar.gz *
- Upload the model.tar.gz to Amazon S3:
!aws s3 cp model.tar.gz $s3_location
Create custom HuggingfaceModel
After we have created and uploaded our model.tar.gz
archive to Amazon S3. Can we create a custom HuggingfaceModel
class. This class will be used to create and deploy our SageMaker endpoint.
<h2>create Hugging Face Model Class</h2>
huggingface_model = HuggingFaceModel(
model_data=s3_location, # path to your model and script
env = { "SAGEMAKER_PROGRAM" : "" },
<h2>deploy model to SageMaker Inference</h2>
predictor = huggingface_model.deploy(
initial_instance_count=1, # number of instances
instance_type='ml.m5.xlarge' # ec2 instance type
In the following, we are going to test the deployed endpoint to ensure it will return the ranked documents using the reranker model
query = "what is panda?"
documents = ['hi', "panda is a restaurant", 'The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), sometimes called a panda bear or simply panda, is a bear species endemic to China.']
topk = 2
response = predictor.predict({
"query": query,
"documents" : documents,
"topk" : topk
reranking_model_endpoint = predictor.endpoint_name
%store reranking_model_endpoint
Next Step
Congratulations. You have completed the reranking model deployment step. You can now build a RAG application that integrates with a reranking model. Let's open the kb-reranker.ipynb file and follow the instructions.