ami_component_description |
ami_description |
ami_name |
ami_regions |
ami_users |
arch |
associate_public_ip_address |
aws_access_key_id |
aws_region |
aws_secret_access_key |
aws_session_token |
binary_bucket_name |
binary_bucket_region |
containerd_version |
creator |
enable_fips |
Install openssl and enable fips related kernel parameters |
encrypted |
iam_instance_profile |
The name of an IAM instance profile to launch the EC2 instance with. |
enable_efa |
Valid options are true or false . Wheather or not to install the software needed to use AWS Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) network interfaces. |
instance_type |
kms_key_id |
kubernetes_build_date |
kubernetes_version |
launch_block_device_mappings_volume_size |
nerdctl_url |
remote_folder |
Directory path for shell provisioner scripts on the builder instance |
runc_version |
security_group_id |
source_ami_filter_name |
source_ami_id |
source_ami_owners |
ssh_interface |
If using session_manager , you need to ensure your AMI has the SSM agent installed as the default RHEL AMIs do not have the SSM agent installed. This can be achieved through a user_data_file script. |
ssh_username |
ssm_agent_version |
Version of the SSM agent to install from the S3 bucket provided by the SSM agent project, such as latest . If empty, the latest version of the SSM agent available will be installed. |
subnet_id |
temporary_key_pair_type |
temporary_security_group_source_cidrs |
user_data_file |
Path to a file that will be used for the user data when launching the instance. |
volume_type |
vpc_id |
working_dir |
Directory path for ephemeral resources on the builder instance |