RES Integration

First you will need to deploy RES. The easiest way is to deploy the demo environment which provides all of the prerequisites and completely automates the deployment. If you want to use an existing VPC or Active Directory, then you will need to follow the instructions to deploy the product.

RES Setup

After you've deployed RES, you need to configure it so that the remote desktops can be used as external login nodes and so that they have access to any file systems that you created.

Onboard your file systems

RES natively supports EFS, FSx for NetApp Ontap, and FSx for Lustre file systems. It can create them for you or you can onboard existing file systems.

  • Expand Environment Management
  • Click File Systems
  • Click Onboard File System or Create File System

Create RES Project

  • Expand Environment Management
  • Click Projects
  • Click Create Project
  • Fill in the required fields.
  • Add any file systems that you created so they will be automatically mounted on the desktops that belong to the project.
  • Expand Advanced Options under Resource Configurations and add the SlurmLoginNodeSG so that it will be attached automatically to the remote desktop so they can access the external file systems and slurm clusters.
  • Add the groups and users that can use the project.

Give the project access to software stacks

Next, you'll need to give the project access to a Software Stack. You can either create a new Software Stack or update an existing one.

  • Select Software Stacks under Session Management.
  • Select an existing stack like the RHEL 8 stack
  • Select Actions, Edit Stack.
  • Select your project under Projects and enable it to use the stack.

Create virtual desktop

Now you can create a virtual desktop using the project that you just created.

  • Select My Virtual Desktops under Desktops.
  • Click Launch New Virtual Desktop
  • Give it a descriptive name, select the project, operating system, and software stack.
  • I suggest using a t3 instance for virtual desktops, such as a t3.large. If you need more cores or memory you will use your ParallelCluster compute nodes.
  • I usually increase the storage size to 20GB so I can install additional packages.
  • Click Submit and then wait for the desktop to be provisioned. You may need to refresh the page to update the desktop status.

You can switch to the EC2 console to verify that the instance has been launched and that it has the required security group attached.

ParallelCluster Configurattion

Integration with Research and Engineering Studion (RES) is straightforward. You simply specify the --RESStackName option for the script or add the RESStackName configuration parameter to your configuration file. The install script will set the following configuration parameters based on your RES environment or check them if you have them set to make sure they are consistent with your RES environment. The intention is to completely automate the deployment of ParallelCluster and set up the RES environment so that it can easily be used.

Parameter Description Value
VpcId VPC id for the RES cluster vpc-xxxxxx
SubnetId Subnet in the RES VPC. subnet-xxxxx
slurm/ExternalLoginNodes Information of instances to be configured as external login nodes
slurm/DomainJoinedInstance Tags of cluster-manager which will be used to create users_groups.json
slurm/storage/ExtraMounts The mount parameters for the /home directory. This is required for access to the home directory.
slurm/SlurmCtl/AdditionalSecurityGroups Security group that allows access to EFS /home
slurm/InstanceConfig/AdditionalSecurityGroups Security group that allows access to EFS /home

You must also create security groups as described in Security Groups for Login Nodes. You must either specify AdditionalSecurityGroupsStackName or specify the SlurmHeadNodeSG in the slurm/SlurmCtl/AdditionalSecurityGroups parameter and the SlurmComputeNodeSG in the slurm/InstanceConfig/AdditionalSecurityGroups parameter.

When you specify RESStackName, a lambda function will run SSM commands to create a cron job on a RES domain joined instance to update the users_groups.json file every hour. Another lambda function will also automatically configure all running VDI hosts to use the cluster.

The following example shows the configuration parameters for a RES cluster with a stack named res-eda.

# EDA Slurm cluster for RES using ParallelCluster
# Defaults and valid configuration options are in source/
# Command line values override values in the config file.

StackName: res-eda-pc-3-9-1-rhel8-x86-config

Region: <region>

SshKeyPair: <key-name>

AdditionalSecurityGroupsStackName: res-eda-SlurmSecurityGroups

RESStackName: res-eda

ErrorSnsTopicArn: <topic-arn>

TimeZone: 'US/Central'

    Version: '3.10.1'
      Os: 'rhel8'
    Architecture: 'x86_64'
      SlurmdbdStackName: pcluster-slurm-dbd-res-eda-3-10-1

  SlurmCtl: {}

  # Configure typical EDA instance types
  # A partition will be created for each combination of Base OS, Architecture, and Spot
    UseSpot: true
      DefaultMaxCount: 10

Connect to the virtual desktop

When the cluster deployment finishes you are ready to run jobs from your RES DCV desktop.

Create custom AMI for virtual desktops

Connect to your virtual desktop and install packages, software, configure ParallelCluster clusters, mount file systems, and whatever else you need for your project. You'll normally require root access to do this. When you are done, remove the following files or else new virtual desktops created from the image will fail to provision.

rm /root/bootstrap/semaphore/*.lock