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How RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Applications Work

This will not be new information if your are familiar with retrieval augmented generation (RAG) flows. The goal of Galileo is not to re-invent RAG applications, instead it focuses on repeatability, reusability, experimentation, and scalability.

There are three key components of RAG flows:

  1. Chat History: the dialog between end-user and the AI
  2. Corpus: the knowledge base the AI should use
  3. Inference: the actual LLM performing the task

It is pretty straightforward, but when you consider statelessness of LLM, token limitation, quality and robustness of corpus dataset, size of corpus, developer experience of changing models, variations of prompt formatting between models, and much more, it quickly starts to become very complex.

Chat Experience

The key to conversational chat is persistence of the context between dialogs, basically the ability to infer the meaning of a word like this based on chat history.

Alt text

Generic RAG flow

Here is what that looks like at a high-level in the backend:

Rag flow overview

Chat data flow

Here is the detailed flow for a question-answer (once authenticated with the system):

  actor User

  box Presentation Tier
    participant WebUI
    participant API as RestAPI

  box Data Tier
    participant DDB as ChatDB
    participant Config
    participant VectorStore as Vector<br/>Store

  box AI Tier
    participant Engine as InferenceEngine
    participant LLMClassify as LLM<br/>(classify)
    participant LLMCondense as LLM<br/>(condense)
    participant LLMQA as LLM<br/>(standalone question)


  User ->> WebUI: question
  WebUI ->> API: createChatMessage(question)
  API ->> Engine: createChatMessage(question)

  Engine ->> DDB: saveMessage(question)

  alt Classification
      Engine ->> Config: getClassificationPrompt
      Config -->> Engine: classifyPrompt
      Engine ->> LLMClassify: invokeLLM(<br/>question, classifyPrompt)
      LLMClassify -->> Engine: classificationJSON

  alt Condense (use message history)
      Engine ->> Config: getCondensePrompt
      Config -->> Engine: prompt
      Engine ->> DDB: getChatHistory
      DDB -->> Engine: messages
      Engine ->> LLMCondense: invokeLLM(question, messages)
      LLMCondense -->> Engine: question

  Engine ->> VectorStore: semanticSearch(question)
  VectorStore -->> Engine: sources

  Engine ->> Config: getQAPrompt
  Config -->> Engine: prompt

  Engine ->> Engine: buildLLMRequest(<br/>prompt, question,<br/>sources, classificationJSON?)
  Engine ->> LLMQA: invokeLLM(request)
  LLMQA -->> Engine: answer
  Engine ->> DDB: saveMessage(answer)

  Engine -->> API: answer
  API -->> WebUI: answer
  WebUI -->> User: answer