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gMaestro on EKS pattern¤

gMaestro is a Kubernetes cost optimization solution that helps companies reduce spending on un-utilized resources. For additional information, visit gMaestro documentation.

This pattern deploys the following resources: - Creates a single EKS cluster that includes a managed node group - Deploys supporting add-ons: ClusterAutoScaler and MetricsServer - Deploys a single granulate-gmaestro deployment with a single pod on the EKS cluster


Before using gMaestro, you need to: 1. Sign up to the gMaestro platform 2. Download a config YAML file - After signing up to gMaestro, navigate to the Deploy on the left-hand menu, fill in the required fields and click on "Generate Config File" as shown bellow:



  1. Create a secret (as a plaintext, not key/value) in AWS Secrets Manager:

    export MAESTRO_CLIENT_ID="<MAESTRO_CLIENT_ID value from the deployment section in the downloaded config file>"
    export MAESTRO_SECRET_NAME="<MAESTRO_SECRET_NAME your preferred secret name>"
    aws secretsmanager create-secret --name <MAESTRO_SECRET_NAME> --region $AWS_REGION \
        --description "Encrypted client ID for Granulate gMaestro" \
        --secret-string "<MAESTRO_CLIENT_ID>"

  2. Follow the usage instructions to install the dependencies


Clone the repository

git clone
cd cdk-eks-blueprints-patterns

If you haven't done it before, bootstrap your cdk account and region.

Update context in cdk.json file located in the cdk-eks-blueprints-patterns directory as follows:

"context": {
    "clusterName": "<MAESTRO_SERVICE_NAME value from the deployment section in the downloaded config file>",
    "namespace": "<Where gMaestro will be installed>",  

Run the following commands:

make deps
make build
make pattern gmaestro deploy

Verify the resources¤

Use the following command to validate that gMaestro installed successfully:

$ kubectl get pods -A | grep granulate-maestro

NAMESPACE     NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
default       granulate-maestro-6947dc87bc-k5nfc   1/1     Running   0          11m

After a few seconds, you will gain full visibility into your K8s cluster objects:


The first rightsizing recommendations may take up to 5 minutes to load.


To clean up your EKS Blueprints, run the following commands:

make pattern gmaestro destroy


If you have questions about gMaestro, catch us on Slack!


This pattern relies on an open-source NPM package gmaestro-eks-blueprints-addon. Please refer to the package npm site for more information.

If you have any questions about the npm package or find any defect, please post in the source repo at