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Data at Rest Encryption¤


The objective of this pattern is to demonstrate how to enable encryption at rest for EKS cluster using EBS/EFS storage.

To achieve this objective, the pattern utilizes EBS CSI Driver Amazon EKS Add-on to enable encryption-at-rest for EBS volumes and EFS CSI Driver Amazon EKS Add-on to enable encryption-at-rest for EFS volumes.

The pattern also leverages KMS resource provider to create KMS keys for EBS/EFS encryption-at-rest and EFS File System resource provider to create an encrypted EFS file system.

GitOps confguration¤

For GitOps, the blueprint bootstraps the ArgoCD addon and points to the EKS Blueprints Workload sample repository.

The sample repository contains the following workloads:

  1. team-platform creates a storage class for EBS and EFS volumes.
  2. team-data creates a persistent volume claim for EBS and EFS volumes and a pod that mounts the volumes.


  1. Follow the usage instructions to install the dependencies and perform the repository setup.
  2. argo-admin-password secret must be defined in Secrets Manager in the same region as the EKS cluster.


To bootstrap the CDK toolkit and list all stacks in the app, run the following commands:

cdk bootstrap
make list

To deploy the pattern, run the following command:

make pattern data-at-rest-encryption deploy


Now you can verify that the EBS and EFS volumes are encrypted.


To list all the PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) that exist in the Kubernetes cluster's namespace named "data", run the following command:

kubectl get pvc -n data

The output should look similar to the following:

NAME                STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS    AGE
gp2-encrypted-pvc   Bound    pvc-78bd070e-8eba-4b01-a378-462bb806beb3   10Gi       RWO            gp2-encrypted   14m

To describe an Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume that is associated with a PersistentVolume (PV) in Kubernetes, run the following command (please replace the PVC-IDENTIFIER with the PVC name from the previous step):

aws ec2 describe-volumes --region us-east-1 --filters ",Values=<PVC-IDENTIFIER>" --query 'Volumes[*].{VolumeId:VolumeId, Encrypted:Encrypted, KmsKeyId:KmsKeyId}'

The output should look similar to the following:

        "VolumeId": "vol-09332f96a58e67385",
        "Encrypted": true,
        "KmsKeyId": "arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:111122223333:key/a8b9fa0b-955f-4f85-85c1-8f911003390e"


To list all the StorageClasses that are defined in the Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:

kubectl get storageclass

The output should look similar to the following:

efs-encrypted (default)         Delete          Immediate              false                  70m

To retrieve the KMS Key ID parameter of a specific StorageClass named "efs-encrypted" in the Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:

kubectl get storageclass efs-encrypted -o jsonpath='{.parameters.kmsKeyId}'

The output should look similar to the following:


To list all the PersistentVolumeClaims (PVCs) that exist in the Kubernetes cluster's namespace named "data", run the following command:

kubectl get pvc -n data

The output should look similar to the following:

NAME                  STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS    AGE
efs-encrypted-claim   Bound    pvc-06df2640-ae2f-44ae-8d5c-82c72e56a9ae   10Gi       RWX            efs-encrypted   63m

To list all the pods that are running in the Kubernetes cluster's namespace named "data", run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n data

The output should look similar to the following:

NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
efs-encryption-app   1/1     Running   0          63m

To get detailed information about a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) named "efs-encrypted-claim" in the "data" namespace of the Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:

kubectl describe pvc efs-encrypted-claim -n data

The output should look similar to the following:

Name:          efs-encrypted-claim
Namespace:     data
StorageClass:  efs-encrypted
Status:        Bound
Volume:        pvc-06df2640-ae2f-44ae-8d5c-82c72e56a9ae
Annotations: yes
Finalizers:    []
Capacity:      10Gi
Access Modes:  RWX
VolumeMode:    Filesystem
Used By:       efs-encryption-app
Events:        <none>