GitHub Token

This step is required.

Create a GitHub Account

If you do not already have a GitHub account you can sign up for one. The free version is enough for generating the required token.

Token Permissions

Are you using the upstream AWS-Samples repository, or creating a fork of the codebase for your own modifications/development/management?

If using the AWS-Sample repository

  • Minimum permission of public_repo is requred.

If using your own repository

  • Public repository:
    • Minimum permission of public_repo is required.
    • Minimum permission of repo & admin:repo_hook is recommended.
  • Private repository:
    • Minimum permission of repo & admin:repo_hook is required.

Create API Token

GitHub “Classic” tokens allow configuration of unlimited lifespan. GitHub “Fine-grained” tokens (currently Beta) do not. If you use the fine-grained type you are responsible for token rotation at expiry.

Follow the GitHub guide for creating the token with appropirate permissions.