SAML Provider


This step is conditional.

  • If you intend to use a SAML Provider for user authentication this step is required.
  • If not this step can be skipped.

To integrate this solution with your existing user accounts it is integrated via SAML 2.0. This is supported by most user management systems, such as Azure Active Directory. A metadata URL is provided by the SAML provider and used by this solution. Configuration of any specific SAML Provider is out of scope for this installation guide. This URL looks like this:

This installation guide assumes that the user directory used for the SAML provider is Azure Active Directory. Configuration of Azure AD is out of scope for this installation guide.

Where an Enterprise Application needs to be created, dummy information can be used for the following, updated as a post-install step.

  • Identifier (Entity ID)
  • Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)

The App Federation Metadata Url is a dependency for this guide.


The use of a SAML Provider has a post-install step.