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How to handle ordering of events


This document explains message ordering when using message brokers, why it difficult, and how many applications can work around ordering by message broker.

Brian Zambrano, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless

Brian Zambrano

Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless

Message ordering in event-driven architectures is often requested and rarely well-understood. Just like exactly-once processing, message ordering is a challenge to achieve in distributed systems.

The first question is: what exactly is in-order message delivery? In this document we define messaging ordering as a messages being stored in a message broker in the same order as they were published. For push-based message brokers like Amazon EventBridge and Amazon SNS, ordered messaging means that clients receive messages in teh same order they were published.

Ordering explained

Within a single process

Forget distributed systems for a moment and imagine a single process, running on a single host, in a single thread (the data producer). That single process does some work, and sends messages to another process running on the same hosts (the data consumer). The data producer sends four events (A, B, C and D) to the consumer in order. Both producer and consumer expect and depend on this ordering shown below.

When the producers crashes while, or before, publishing event C, the consumer will never receive events C or D. Because a single-threaded process on a single host is responsible for producing messages, there is a guarantee that events will be published in the correct order.

The producer should implement a mechanism to keep track of which messages it has published that can handle application restarts. In that case, it's easy to pickup where it left off and begin publishing the unpublished events once the producer recovers. The data producer will then publish C and D, as expected. Other than a brief period of silence, the consumer doesn't notice any difference.

Across multiple processes

Life isn’t as easy in a distributed system. Imagine that producers are spread across the network in different processes. These producers may be the same container image running in different pods, multiple Lambda execution environments, or multiple processes running across EC2 hosts in an auto scaling group.

With 2, 3...n producers sending data to a message broker across a network, how can you guarantee that two systems running independently have published their messages in the correct order? The answer is that you cannot. Imagine the same scenario as above where a process that is publishing a message crashes. But now, there are multiple processes publishing messages independently.

Process 1 and Process 2 are unaware of each other and have no idea of each other's state. When Process 2 crashes, it doesn't send message C. Process 1 is happily unaware of this fact, and continues publishing its messages. The message broker will be missing event C, since Process 1 has crashed and Process 2 is healthy:

Later, Process 2 recovers, picks up from where it left off, and publishes event C. This results in the following messages on the message broker.

It's clear that messages C and D are out of order from a logical perspective. However, the messages are ordered physically because they are stored in the order in which they were received.


Logical ordering and physical ordering of messages is different. Logical ordering is application-specific, and is defined by your business needs. Physical ordering refers to how messages are stored and arranged within a message broker. Messages may be physically ordered but not logically ordered.

Ordering guarantees in streams

Many message brokers such as Apache Kafka and Amazon Kinesis will guarantee ordering within a given partition or shard, respectively. Streaming systems like these use append-only write semantics, so every message is appended to the end stream in the order that it's received.

To increase throughput, streaming systems scale by adding more partitions (or, shards). However, once messages are distributed amongst multiple physical data stores (partitions or shards), reading data in order is not guaranteed. A message will be stored on one of multiple partitions, not accounting for replication across physical hosts. Because streams use a pull-based model for data retrieval, clients would need to know from what partition to read each message so that they can process messages in the right order.

How streaming systems scale by adding partitions or shards

Fig 1. Example of how streaming systems scale, and offer ordering within a single partition or shard.


There is an inherent trade-off between ordering and performance in streaming systems. Using a single partition or shard guarantees ordering with the trade-off of decreased throughput. Using multiple partitions or shards increases throughput, but cannot guarantee logical ordering in a software application.

Ordering guarantees in queues

Ordering in queues is similar to Figure 1. Many queueing technologies provide ordering guarantees within a single queue or topic. Other queueing services like SQS standard queues favor performance over ordering, and provide best-effort ordering. This trade off is the reason tthat SQS standard queues support nearly unlimited requests per second for both read and write.

Another version of SQS, SQS FIFO queues, support ordering with a trade off of reduced TPS. SQS FIFO queues can also offer exactly-once processing due to the same trade-offs that allow for ordering.

For some perspective in trade-offs between ordering guarantees and throughput, consider the the FIFO queues can read 3,000 messages per second when using batching, while standard SQS queues do not have an upper-bound in TPS.


Relative TPS quotas are used here to describe the trade-off between scale and ordering guarantees. Quotas for AWS services like SQS are dependent on region and other factors. When making decisions on services by quota, ensure you consider all factors applicable to your workload.

The allure of guaranteed ordering

Builders often see FIFO/ordering guarantees available for a particular message broker and consider the problem of ordering solved. Ordering guarantees are attractive but are never a silver bullet.

Consider the fact that even when using a broker with ordering guarantees, message order is guaranteed for messages that the broker receives. When a producer crashes, pauses or otherwise fails to publish an event, subsequent events from different brokers may still be published. In our example, a FIFO queue or single partition topic could still end up with the messages A -> B -> C -> D. You have ordering as far as your middleware is concerned, but it’s the wrong order for your application.


Understand the difference between physical ordering and logical ordering. Builders are often confused by this subtle yet important difference that leads them to making the wrong decisions for their use cases.

Solution: Reordering by timestamp

Because it's impractical to guarantee ordering in a distributed system, builders can implement reordering in message consumers, or as a component within an EDA.

Solution: Implementation notes

A simple solution to ordering is to publish messages with the UTC timestamps when data producers sent their messages. A prerequisite with this strategy is that each data producer has a synchronized system clock. Systems like NTP makes this easier.

Reordering by timestamp in a message payload attractive because it will work across message brokers and is easy to implement and understand. A disadvantage is that this reordering logic would need to be repeated across consumers, which may feel like additional overhead. While duplication of code and logic comes at a cost, sorting items by timestamp is simple enough to warrant the tradeoff. In an event-driven architecture there may be consumers who are not concerned with ordering and will choose to not implement it. This is the type of flexibility EDAs offer.

Solution: Implementation diagram

In the example above each message (A, B, C and D) has an epoch timestamp in seconds. Notice that the timestamp for message D is older than the timestamp of message C. That is, messages have arrived out-of-order but are stored in the message broker in the order shown in the diagram. The consumer can read messages and order them by the timestamp included in the message payloads.

A common strategy is to store messages in a database and use the message timestamp as a sort index. This works across all SQL and many NoSQL databases. A consumer may, for example, expose an API that allows its clients to fetch an ordered set of data where ordering comes from the message timestamps. A database index on the timestamp adds additional functionality for efficient data retrieval.

Solution: Summary


  • Simple
  • Easy to understand


  • Need to implement across consumers
  • Reliance on a persistent datastore.

Solution: Reordering by sequence numbers

Not every use-case is a natural fit for timestamp ordering. In these cases a similar reordering strategy can be used with sequence numbers. A sequence an increasing or decreasing set of numbers. This solution depends on a system that generates a strictly increasing sequence.

Solution: Implementation notes

A sequence can take many forms, provided there is known way to sort values:

  • 1, 2, 3....
  • A, B, C....
  • 0x1B207, 0x1B208, 0x1B209, 0x1B20A...

These examples show strictly increases sequences because:

  1. There are no duplicates
  2. Each value is bigger than the previous

An increasing sequence that is not strict could include duplicates, for example [0, 1, 2, 2, 3]. This is an increasing sequence (or, non-decreasing) since numbers never get smaller, but it's not a strictly increasing sequence because there are duplicates.

A good sequence generator will produce a strictly increasing set of values. These values are included in every message that data producers publish to a message broker. With the guarantees from the sequence generator data consumers and reorder events as needed.

In some situations, it may be acceptable for a generator to hand out duplicate values to multiple consumers, just like it's possible for two events to have the same timestamp. This solution does give the opportunity to take complete control over how sequence values are generated for a specific use-case.

Solution: Implementation diagram

Any sequence generator should:

  • Guard against race conditions so that sequence values are unique
  • Produce ever-increasing sequence ids

This example is nearly identical to reordering with timestamps with the addition of a new sequence generator. Before publishing each message, the consumer asks for a unique value from the Sequence generator. The Broker may not offer guaranteed ordering and the Producer may still publish message out of order. Because each message contains a unique sequence value, consumers can use logic to reorder the messages using the sequence value, or choose what to do when persisting messages isn't needed.

In this example, imagine the sequence of events involves the following CRUD events from the producer with sequence values:

  • A: action: CREATE, sequence: 0x1B207
  • B: action: UPDATE, sequence: 0x1B208
  • C: action: UPDATE, sequence: 0x1B209
  • D: action: DELETE, sequence: 0x1B20A

However, messages C and D arrive to the consumer out of order:

  • A: action: CREATE, sequence: 0x1B207
  • B: action: UPDATE, sequence: 0x1B208
  • D: action: DELETE, sequence: 0x1B20A
  • C: action: UPDATE, sequence: 0x1B209

In this case, the consumer keeps track of what sequences it has processes using the sequence values. When message C arrives the consumer ignores the message, because event C is older than event D that it's already processed (Sequence C < Sequence D).

You would usually implement this type of sequencing generator with the help of a database. DynamoDB offers concurrency and transaction controls that help. Read Implement resource counters with Amazon DynamoDB on the AWS Database Blog to learn more.

Solution: Summary


  • Flexible since you own the sequence generation
  • Good implementations offer strong guarantees on uniqueness


  • Same disadvantage as reordering by timestamp
  • Need to build and maintain the sequence generator
  • Possible reduced throughput during message generation.

Solution: Broker ordering

In some cases that do not demand high throughput it's possible to use the ordering guarantee of FIFO queues or single partition/shard brokers. While this is a quick and easy solution, builders should note that this still doesn't solve situations where data producers send events out-of-order. Ordering is relative to when brokers receive a message, which is different from logical , or application-level, ordering.

If you choose to rely on a message broker to enforce ordering, make sure to consider how to handle messages that arrive at the broker in the wrong logical order.


Enterprise Integration Patterns contains many useful explanations of various patterns. The Message Sequencer discusses how to send ordered messages to work around message payload limits. However, the idea of adding a sequence number is applicable with respect to order. This pattern with the resequencer pattern provide more details on how to implement logical ordering in your application.

You can read about guarantees on ordering for various brokers if that is an acceptable solution for your use case.