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Deploying the Solution

The solution is developed using AWS CloudFormation, Python, and Rust.



The solution includes a CloudFormation template called deploy_template.yml that will create an IAM role with the necessary permissions to deploy this solution.

After deploying the CloudFormation template, you can use an IAM role with the AWS CLI by configuring an additional profile in ~/.aws/config such as:

[profile nitro-vault]

Then in step #2 below, set AWS_PROFILE=nitro-vault to use the new profile.


  1. GitHub: Fork the repository to your personal account. This is required so AWS CodePipeline can access the repository and checkout the source code.

    git clone<YourGitHubUserName>/sample-code-for-a-secure-vault-using-aws-nitro-enclaves
    cd sample-code-for-a-secure-vault-using-aws-nitro-enclaves
    cp .env.template .env
  2. Edit the .env file and set these variables:

    Variable Default Description
    AWS_PROFILE - The name of the AWS CLI profile with the credentials and options to use.
    AWS_REGION - The AWS SDK compatible environment variable that specifies the AWS Region to send the request to.
    HOSTED_ZONE_ID - Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone ID
    DOMAIN_NAME - Sub-domain to create in the HOSTED_ZONE_ID for the internal vault API
    GITHUB_REPO - Personal fork of this repository (ex. aws-samples/sample-code-for-a-secure-vault-using-aws-nitro-enclaves)


    The HOSTED_ZONE_ID and DOMAIN_NAME are required because the solution issues a valid SSL/TLS certificate managed by the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for use on the EC2 instances for the Nitro Enclaves. The private key of the certificate is securely managed by ACM for Nitro Enclaves and NGINX. ACM for Nitro Enclaves takes care of automatically rotating the certificate.

  3. You must add a new tag to the AWS IAM Principal (either an IAM User or IAM Role) you are using to deploy this solution. If you are using the IAM role created in the deploy_template.yml CloudFormation template, then this step has already been completed for you.

    IAM Tags

    Create a new tag key called network-perimeter-exception with a value of true.


    This solution implements best practices regarding data perimeters on AWS. To learn more about building a data perimeter, please consult the Building a Data Perimeter on AWS whitepaper.

  4. Execute the shell script to begin the deployment.

    > ./
    [!] Deploying nitro-vault-vpc stack...
    Waiting for changeset to be created..
    Waiting for stack create/update to complete
    Successfully created/updated stack - nitro-vault-vpc
    [!] Deploying nitro-vault-key stack...
    Waiting for changeset to be created..
    Waiting for stack create/update to complete
    Successfully created/updated stack - nitro-vault-key
    [!] Deploying nitro-vault-ci stack...
    Waiting for changeset to be created..
    Waiting for stack create/update to complete
    Successfully created/updated stack - nitro-vault-ci
    [!] Updating nitro-vault-key stack with deployed Step Functions role...
    Waiting for changeset to be created..
    Waiting for stack create/update to complete
    Successfully created/updated stack - nitro-vault-key
    [?] Do you want to create a new private signing key for AWS Nitro Enclaves? (y/n) y
    [+] Updating secret in AWS SecretsManager with private signing key...
        "ARN": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:rSigningSecret-XXXXXXXXX",
        "Name": "rSigningSecret-XXXXXXXXX",
        "VersionId": "ba6a5637-d579-4811-a1de-XXXXXXXXX"
    [+] Opening AWS Console to complete set up AWS CodeConnections to GitHub...
    [?] Select the radio button next to nitro-vault-ci and then click on "Update pending connection"
    [!] Waiting for pipeline to complete...
    [!] Pipeline in progress, sleeping 5 seconds...
    [!] Pipeline in progress, sleeping 5 seconds...
    [!] Pipeline in progress, sleeping 5 seconds...


    You must update the pending connection prior to triggering the AWS CodePipeline or else it won't be able to check out the source code from GitHub.

    AWS CodeConnections

    Select the nitro-vault-ci-<region> AWS CodeConnections connection and click Update pending connection to link it to your GitHub account. After you have succesfully linked your GitHub account, press any key to start the CodePipeline.

    [!] Pipeline in progress, sleeping 5 seconds...
    [!] Pipeline in progress, sleeping 5 seconds...
    [!] Pipeline in progress, sleeping 5 seconds...
    [+] Pipeline finished successfully.
    [+] Opening Swagger UI at
    [+] Done!%

The installation script does the following:

  1. Deploys a CloudFormation VPC template to create a VPC with two private subnets across two availability zones (default stack name is nitro-vault-vpc)
  2. Deploys a CloudFormation KMS template to create a KMS key (default stack name is nitro-vault-key)
  3. Deploys a CloudFormation CI template to create a CodePipeline and four CodeBuild projects to build the various application components and deploy the EC2 instances and API (default stack name is nitro-vault-ci)

Post Deployment Guidance

Once you have completed the deployment, follow the Post Deployment Guide.