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Post Deployment

Follow these steps after completing deployment to create a vault.

Creating a Vault

To create a vault and add some initial data, you can use a script such as:


set -euox pipefail


ENDPOINT_URL=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name "${API_STACK_NAME}" --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='oApiUrl'].OutputValue" --output text)

curl \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"first_name":"Test", "last_name":"User", "ssn9":"123456789", "dob":"2000-01-01"}' \
  -v \

To send an HTTP POST request to the /vaults endpoint.

The fields in the request payload must be present and conform to the schema defined in the VaultSchema within the API Python codebase.

Next Steps

Follow the User Guide for how to interact with the vault API.

Clean Up

The script will remove each CloudFormation Stack and clean up all the resources


You'll need to manually empty and remove the nitro-vault-ci-XXXX S3 bucket for the CodePipeline artifacts.