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Since Docker image version 0.0.13

This Provider is compatible with the autocompletion of the AI-assisted coding plugin Continue.

Model configuration

  "localLlmModel": "claude-3-haiku"
Key Type Required Default value Description
localLlmModel string Y A native model’s name

Then grant this model to group or apikey.

Continue configuration

After entering the plugin configuration, refer to the following configuration parameters:

  "tabAutocompleteModel": {
    "title": "Any-title",
    "model": "you-defined-model-name",
    "apiKey": "br-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "contextLength": 4000,
    "apiBase": "https://<your-endpoint>/v1/",
    "provider": "openai"
  "tabAutocompleteOptions": {
    "debounceDelay": 3000,
    "multilineCompletions": "always"


If the auto-completion of Continue is triggered, it will immediately consume tokens. Please appropriately increase the debounceDelay parameter.