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API Reference



```http request
POST /v1/chat/completions
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“model”: “claude-3-sonnet”,
“messages”: [
“role”: “user”,
“content”: “ping”
“stream”: true,
“temperature”: 1,
“max_tokens”: 4096

#### List models

```http request
GET /v1/models
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Admin API

API key

Create an api key

```http request
POST /admin/api-key/apply
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“name”: “jack”,
“group_id”: 1,
“role”: “user”,
“email”: “”,
“month_quota”: 1.00

#### Create an api key with admin role

```http request
POST /admin/api-key/apply
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "name": "rob",
  "group_id": 1,
  "role": "admin",
  "email": ""

Update and api key’s info

```http request
POST /admin/api-key/update
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“id”: 2,
“name”: “jack”,
“month_quota”: 10.00

#### Recharge up an API key

```http request
POST /admin/api-key/recharge
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "api_key": "br-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "balance": 0.23

Recharge history

```http request
GET /admin/payment/list?key_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

#### List api keys

```http request
GET /admin/api-key/list?q=&name=&group_id=&role=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Delete an api key

```http request
POST /admin/api-key/delete
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“id”: 1

### Model

#### List models

```http request
GET /admin/model/list?q=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Create a model

```http request
POST /admin/model/save
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“name”: “xxxx”,
“group_id”: 1,
“multiple”: false,
“config”: “{"modelId": "somevalue"}”,
“provider”: “bedrock-converse”,
“price_in”: 1,

#### Update a model

```http request
POST /admin/model/save
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "id": 1,
  "name": "xxxx",
  "group_id": 1,
  "multiple": false, 
  "config": "{\"modelId\": \"somevalue\"}", 
  "provider": "bedrock-converse",
  "price_in": 1,

Delete a model

```http request
POST /admin/model/delete
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“id”: 1

### Webhook

#### List webhook

```http request
GET /admin/bot/feishu/list?q=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Create a webhook

```http request
POST /admin/bot/feishu/save
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“name”: “xxxx”,
“config”: “{"appId": "cli_xxxxx", "apiKey": "br-xxxxx", "modelId": "claude-3-sonnet", "appSecret": "xxxxx" }”,
“provider”: “bedrock-converse”

#### Update a webhook

```http request
POST /admin/bot/feishu/save
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "appId": "cli_xxxxx", 
  "apiKey": "br-xxxxx", 
  "modelId": "claude-3-sonnet", 
  "appSecret": "xxxxx" 

Delete a webhook

```http request
POST /admin/bot/feishu/delete
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“id”: 1

### Group

#### List groups

```http request
GET /admin/group/list?q=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Delete a group

```http request
POST /admin/group/delete
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

“id”: 1

### Model Authorization

* List models of a group
* Authorize the model to a group
* Deauthorize the model from a group
* List models of an api key
* Authorize the model to an api key
* Deauthorize the model from an api key

### Chat records

#### List sessions

```http request
GET /admin/session/list?q=&limit=10&offset=&key_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

List threads / histories

```http request
GET /admin/thread/list?q=&limit=10&offset=&key_id=&session_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

## User API

#### My sessions

```http request
GET /user/session/list?q=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My session detail

```http request
GET /user/session/detail/1
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

#### My threads / histories

```http request
GET /user/thread/list?q=&limit=10&offset=&session_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My thread detail

http request GET /user/thread/detail/1 Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx