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Sample client for Bedrock


The Sample Client for Bedrock (BRClient) is a sample project that demonstrates how to build a client that connects to the Bedrock large language model.

In addition to being able to directly invoke Bedrock from the client, it can also set up this project (BRConnector) as its API backend.

Project URL: aws-samples/sample-client-for-amazon-bedrock

Quick Start

You can start BRClient directly from the source code or download the installer for various platforms.

If you have deployed the BRConnector project, you can start it directly through this URL: http(s)://your-endpoint/brclient/.


After entering the web interface, you need to enable BRConnector in the settings.

BRConnector setting

For the BRConnector Endpoint, simply fill in the root path of your BRConnector.

Fill in the API Key issued by BRConnector.

After setting it up, you can refresh the page to get the model list from BRConnector. Whenever you set up a new model, you can refresh the page to get the list of new models.