

Since Docker image version 0.0.9
Updated in Docker image version 0.0.12
Updated in Docker image version 0.0.13

使用 Bedrock 画图模型


  "regions": [
  "s3Bucket": "<your-bucket>",
  "s3Prefix": "<your-prefix>",
  "s3Region": "us-east-1",
  "paintModelId": "amazon.titan-image-generator-v2:0",
  "localLlmModel": "claude35"
Key Type Required Default value Description
localLlmModel string Y You should choose a native model for function calling
paintModelId string Y “stability.stable-diffusion-xl-v1” Bedrock image gen model id.
s3Bucket string Y S3 is for storing the generated images, please set the IAM permissions to meet access requirements.
s3Prefix string N The S3 prefix combined with the date will ultimately form the S3 key.
s3Region string Y S3 bucket region
regions string N [“us-east-1”] If you have applied and specified multiple regions, then a region will be randomly selected for the call. This feature can effectively alleviate performance bottlenecks.

paintModelId 可以是如下的参数:

  • stability.stable-image-core-v1:0
  • stability.sd3-large-v1:0
  • stability.stable-image-ultra-v1:0
  • stability.stable-diffusion-xl-v1
  • amazon.titan-image-generator-v1
  • amazon.titan-image-generator-v2:0

然后将此模型授予组或 api key。

BRClient 中的功能和截图


  • 支持自然语言对话
  • 支持多轮对话以细化提示
  • 支持多种语言
  • 支持图像大小和宽高比

BRClient 中的截图:


demo dish

demo dish