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Manual Deployment

Follow these steps to deploy this solution:

Install Prerequisites

Please install the following runtimes before deployment:

Edit Configuration File

The configuration for this solution is stored in the config.yaml file. We provide a configuration file template that you can customize according to your actual needs.

Set Model Bucket (Required)

Replace <bucket name> in modelBucketArn with the name of the S3 bucket where you store the models.

modelBucketArn: arn:aws:s3:::<bucket name>

China Regions

If you are using an AWS China Region, ensure that the partition in the ARN is aws-cn.

modelBucketArn: arn:aws-cn:s3:::<bucket name>

Set Stable Diffusion Runtime (Required)

You need to specify the parameters for the runtime. The runtime is defined in modelsRuntime as follows:

- name: "sdruntime" # Required parameter, the name of the runtime, cannot be the same as other runtimes
  namespace: "default" # Required parameter, the Kubernetes namespace where the runtime is located, it is not recommended to place it in the same namespace as other runtimes.
  type: "sdwebui" # Required parameter, the type of this runtime, currently only "sdwebui" and "comfyui" are supported
  modelFilename: "v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors" # (SD Web UI) The name of the model used by this runtime, cannot be the same as other runtimes.
  dynamicModel: false # (SD Web UI) Whether this runtime allows dynamic model loading.

You can configure multiple runtimes in the modelsRuntime section.

Set Custom Image (Optional)

If you have built your own image and/or Helm Chart, you need to specify the image in the corresponding runtime as follows:

- name: "sdruntime"
  namespace: "default"
  type: "sdwebui"
  modelFilename: "v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors"
  dynamicModel: false
  chartRepository: "" # Optional parameter, if you have built a Helm Chart, you need to fill in the address where the Chart is located. It should include the protocol prefix (oci:// or https://)
  chartVersion: "" # Optional parameter, if you have built a Helm Chart, you need to fill in the version of the Chart
  extraValues: # Add the following
          repository: <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region> # The address of the Stable Diffusion runtime image.
          tag: latest # The tag of the image
          repository: <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region> # The address of the Queue agent image.
          tag: latest # The tag of the image

Set EBS Snapshot-based Image Cache (Optional)

If you have built an EBS snapshot-based image cache, you need to specify the snapshot ID in the corresponding runtime as follows:

- name: "sdruntime"
  namespace: "default"
  type: "sdwebui"
  modelFilename: "v1-5-pruned-emaonly.safetensors"
    karpenter: # Add the following
        amiFamily: Bottlerocket
          volumeSize: 80Gi # Do not modify to a value less than 80Gi
          volumeType: gp3 # Do not modify
          deleteOnTermination: true # Do not modify
          iops: 4000 # Do not modify
          throughput: 1000 # Do not modify
          snapshotID: snap-0123456789 # Replace with the EBS snapshot ID

Other Detailed Settings (Optional)

If you need to configure the runtime in detail, please refer to the configuration options.

Start Deployment

After completing the configuration, run the following commands to deploy:

npm install
cdk deploy  --no-rollback --require-approval never

The deployment generally takes 15-20 minutes. Since the deployment is performed on the AWS side through CloudFormation, you do not need to redeploy if the CDK CLI is accidentally closed.

Next Steps

After the deployment is complete, you will see the following output:

sdoneksStack.GetAPIKeyCommand = aws apigateway get-api-keys --query 'items[?id==`abcdefghij`].value' --include-values --output text
sdoneksStack.FrontApiEndpoint =
sdoneksStack.ConfigCommand = aws eks update-kubeconfig --name sdoneksStack --region us-east-1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/sdoneksStack-sdoneksStackAccessRole

Now, you can: