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Image Building

You can build images from source code and store them in your image repository.

Runtime Selection

You need to provide the Stable Diffusion runtime image yourself. You can get the supported Stable Diffusion runtimes from Deployment Considerations.

Pre-built Images

For evaluation and testing purposes, you can use our pre-built images:

SD Web UI:
Queue Agent:
Please note that these images are for technical evaluation and testing purposes only, and you are responsible for any licensing risks associated with using these images.

Build Images

Run the following command to build the queue-agent image:

docker build -t queue-agent:latest src/backend/queue_agent/

Example Runtimes

You can use the example Dockerfile provided by the community to build the runtime container images for Stable Diffusion Web UI and ComfyUI. Please note that these images are for technical evaluation and testing purposes only and should not be deployed to production environments.

Push Images to Amazon ECR

Image Repository Selection

We recommend using Amazon ECR as the image repository, but you can also choose other repositories that support the OCI standard, such as Harbor.

First-time Push

Amazon ECR requires creating the image repository before pushing.

Run the following command to create:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sd-on-eks/queue-agent

Run the following commands to log in to the image repository and push the image. Replace us-east-1 with your AWS region, and 123456789012 with your AWS account ID:

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

docker tag queue-agent:latest
docker push

Build and Push Helm Chart

The solution is deployed via a Helm Chart. The Helm Chart can be stored on any HTTP server accessible over the Internet or in an image repository compatible with the OCI standard. You can store the Helm Chart in Amazon ECR.

China Region Support

Due to a known issue with the CDK framework, you cannot store the Helm Chart in an ECR image repository in the China regions. We are actively working on fixing this issue.

Pre-built Helm Chart

In general, you do not need to deeply customize the contents of the Helm Chart. In this case, you can directly use our pre-built Helm Chart. You can configure the runtime via config.yaml.

First-time Push

Amazon ECR requires creating the image repository before pushing.

Run the following command to create:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name sd-on-eks/charts/sd-on-eks

  • Open the Amazon ECR console at
  • Choose Get started.
  • For Visibility settings, choose Private.
  • For Repository name, enter sd-on-eks/charts/sd-on-eks.
  • Choose Create repository.

Run the following commands to log in to the image repository and push the Helm Chart. Replace us-east-1 with your AWS region, and 123456789012 with your AWS account ID:

helm package src/charts/sd_on_eks
helm push sd-on-eks-<version>.tgz oci://

After the upload is complete, you need to modify config.yaml and add the following content under each runtime that needs to use this Helm Chart:

- name: sdruntime
  namespace: default
  type: sdwebui
  chartRepository: "oci://"
  chartVersion: "1.0.0" # Modify if you customize the Helm Chart version

Access Control

Make sure the HTTP server is open to the Internet and does not have any access control (such as IP whitelisting) set up.

Run the following command to package the Helm Chart:

helm package src/charts/sd_on_eks

After packaging, a file named sd-on-eks-<version>.tgz will be output. Place this file in an empty folder and run the following command:

helm repo index

You can place the generated archive and index.yaml on the HTTP server. Assuming the domain name of the HTTP server is (IP address is also acceptable), you need to modify config.yaml and add the following content under each runtime that needs to use this Helm Chart:

- name: sdruntime
  namespace: default
  type: sdwebui
  chartRepository: ""
  chartVersion: "1.0.0" # Modify if you customize the Helm Chart version