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Rules for API Calls

After deploying the solution, you can send requests to the Stable Diffusion runtime through the API endpoint of Amazon API Gateway.

When sending requests, please follow these rules:

API Request Example

You can use the test script to verify if the solution is deployed successfully. Run the following command to test:

cd test
STACK_NAME=sdoneksStack RUNTIME_TYPE=sdwebui ./

If you have modified the solution stack name or runtime type, please replace sdoneksStack and sdwebui with the corresponding content.

The script will automatically find the API Gateway endpoint, obtain the API Key, and send a test request.

  • For the SD Web UI runtime, it will send a text-to-image and an image-to-image request.
  • For the ComfyUI runtime, it will send a Pipeline request.

After a few seconds to a few minutes (depending on whether image caching is enabled and the minimum number of instance replicas), you can find the generated images at the output_location.

Request Endpoint and Format

The API endpoint of the solution can be obtained from the CloudFormation outputs:

  • Go to the AWS CloudFormation Console
  • Select Stacks
  • In the list, select SdOnEKSStack (or your custom name)
  • Select Output
  • Record the value of the FrontApiEndpoint item (in the format of

Run the following command to get the API endpoint:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name SdOnEKSStack --output text --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`FrontApiEndpoint`].OutputValue'

You need to append the API version to the endpoint. Currently, we support v1alpha1 and v1alpha2 versions. When using the v1alpha2 version API, the request should be sent to:

This endpoint only accepts JSON-formatted POST requests, and the Content-Type: application/json request header is required.

Request Types

Depending on the runtime type, each runtime only accepts specific types of requests:

Please refer to the detailed documentation of each request type for the specific request format.


For security reasons, all requests need to include an API Key. Follow these steps to obtain the API Key:

  • Go to the Amazon API Gateway Console
  • Select API Keys
  • In the list, select the API Key with a name similar to SdOnEK-defau-abcdefghij (or your custom name)
  • Record the value of the API key item

Run the following command to get the API Key:

echo $(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name SdOnEKSStack --output text --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`GetAPIKeyCommand`].OutputValue')

When sending requests, you need to include the x-api-key request header, with its value being the API Key obtained above.

Unauthenticated Requests

Requests without an API Key will directly return a 401 error.

Throttling Rules

To protect the backend API, API Gateway will throttle excessive requests sent using the same API Key.

The default settings are:

  • 30 requests per second
  • Burst of 50 requests

For detailed information about throttling principles, please refer to Throttle API requests for better throughput

If you need to modify these settings, please change the relevant content in the APIGW section of the config.yaml file. You can also modify the corresponding Usage Plan in API Gateway.

Next Steps

According to the different usage methods in the right-hand directory, send requests to Stable Diffusion.