(static) AbstractHostFeature
- See:
- module:core/AbstractHostFeature
(static) AbstractSpeech
(static) AbstractTextToSpeechFeature
(static) AnimationFeature
(static) AnimationLayer
(static) AnimationTypes
(static) AnimationUtils
(static) AxisMap
- See:
(static) Blend1dState
(static) Blend2dState
(static) DefaultGestureWords
- See:
(static) DefaultLayerBlendMode
(static) DefaultVisemeMap
- See:
(static) Deferred
- See:
(static) Easing
- See:
- module:core/animpack.Easing
(static) env
- See:
(static) FreeBlendState
(static) GestureFeature
- See:
(static) HostObject
- See:
(static) LayerBlendModes
(static) LexFeature
(static) LexUtils
(static) LipsyncFeature
- See:
(static) MathUtils
- See:
(static) Messenger
- See:
(static) PointOfInterestFeature
(static) QueueState
(static) RandomAnimationState
(static) SingleState
(static) Speech
(static) TextToSpeechFeature
(static) TextToSpeechUtils
(static) TransitionState
(static) Utils
- See:
(static) Version
The Version of the Sumerian Hosts library