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The term "Application" is used synonymously with the term "Component" as defined by the Well-Architected Framework and other DPRA pipelines. Applications are the most common use case for a deployment pipeline. This pipeline type will take source code files, tests, static analysis, database deployment, configuration, and other code to perform build, test, deploy, and release processes. The pipeline launches an environment from the compute image artifacts generated in the compute image pipeline. Automated tests are run on the environment(s) as part of the deployment pipeline.

This pipeline encourages trunk based development in which developers frequently avoid long-lived branches and regulary commit their changes to the trunk. Therefore this pipeline only executes for commits to the trunk. Every commit to the trunk has a change to go to production if all steps of the pipeline complete successfully.


The expected outcome of this pipeline is to be able to safely release software changes to customers within a couple hours. Deployment pipelines should publish the following metrics:

  • Lead time – the average amount of time it takes for a single commit to get all the way into production.
  • Deploy frequency – the number of production deployments within a given time period.
  • Mean time between failure (MTBF) – the average amount of time between the start of a successful pipeline and the start of a failed pipeline.
  • Mean time to recover (MTTR) – the average amount of time between the start of a failed pipeline and the start of the next successful pipeline.

Each stage below will include a required and recommended actions. The actions will include guidance on what steps out to be perfomed in each action. References will be made to real-life examples of tools to help better define the actions involved in each stage. The use of these examples is not an endorsement of any specific tool.

Local Development

Developers need fast-feedback for potential issues with their code. Automation should run in their developer workspace to give them feedback before the deployment pipeline runs.

Pre-Commit Hooks

Pre-Commit hooks are scripts that are executed on the developer's workstation when they try to create a new commit. These hooks have an opportunity to inspect the state of the code before the commit occurs and abort the commit if tests fail. An example of pre-commit hooks are Git hooks. Examples of tools to configure and store pre-commit hooks as code include but are not limited to husky and pre-commit.


The source stage pulls in various types of code from a distributed version control system.

Application Source Code

Code that is compiled, transpiled or interpreted for the purpose of delivering business capabilities through applications and/or services.

Test Source Code

Code that verifies the expected functionality of the Application Source Code and the Infrastructure Source Code. This includes source code for unit, integration, end-to-end, capacity, chaos, and synthetic testing. All Test Source Code is required to be stored in the same repository as the app to allow tests to be created and updated on the same lifecycle as the Application Source Code.

Infrastructure Source Code

Code that defines the infrastructure necessary to run the Application Source Code. Examples of infrastructure source code include but are not limited to AWS Cloud Development Kit, AWS CloudFormation and HashiCorp Terraform. All Infrastructure Source Code is required to be stored in the same repository as the app to allow infrastructure to be created and updated on the same lifecycle as the Application Source Code.

Static Assets

Assets used by the Application Source Code such as html, css, and images.

Dependency Manifests

References to third-party code that is used by the Application Source Code. This could be libraries created by the same team, a separate team within the same organization, or from an external entity.

Static Configuration

Files (e.g. JSON, XML, YAML or HCL) used to configure the behavior of the Application Source Code. Any configuration that is environment specific should not be included in Application Source Code. Environment specific configuration should be defined in the Infrastructure Source Code and injected into the application at runtime through a mechanism such as environment variables.

All the above source code is versioned and securely accessed through role based access control with source code repositories including but not limited to AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.


All actions run in this stage are also run on developer's local environments prior to code commit and peer review. Actions in this stage should all run in less than 10 minutes so that developers can take action on fast feedback before moving on to their next task. If it’s taking more time, consider decoupling the system to reduce dependencies, optimizing the process, using more efficient tooling, or moving some of the actions to latter stages. Each of the actions below are defined and run in code.

Build Code

Convert code into artifacts that can be promoted through environments. Most builds complete in seconds. Examples include but are not limited to Maven and tsc.

Unit Tests

Run the test code to verify that individual functions and methods of classes, components or modules of the Application Source Code are performing according to expectations. These tests are fast-running tests with zero dependencies on external systems returning results in seconds. Examples of unit testing frameworks include but are not limited to JUnit, Jest, and pytest. Test results should be published somewhere such as AWS CodeBuild Test Reports.

Code Quality

Run various automated static analysis tools that generate reports on code quality, coding standards, security, code coverage, and other aspects according to the team and/or organization’s best practices. AWS recommends that teams fail the build when important practices are violated (e.g., a security violation is discovered in the code). These checks usually run in seconds. Examples of tools to measure code quality include but are not limited to Amazon CodeGuru, SonarQube, black, and ESLint.

Secrets Detection

Identify secrets such as usernames, passwords, and access keys in code. When discovering secrets, the build should fail immediately. Examples of secret detection tools include but are not limited to GitGuardian and gitleaks.

Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Analyze code for application security violations such as XML External Entity Processing, SQL Injection, and Cross Site Scripting. Any findings that exceed the configured threshold will immediately fail the build and stop any forward progress in the pipeline. Examples of tools to perform static application security testing include but are not limited to Amazon CodeGuru, SonarQube, and Checkmarx.

Package and Store Artifact(s)

While the Build Code action will package most of the relevant artifacts, there may be additional steps to automate for packaging the code artifacts. Artifacts should only be built and packaged once and then deployed to various environments to validate the artifact. Artifacts should never be rebuilt during subsequent deploy stages. Once packaged, automation is run in this action to store the artifacts in an artifact repository for future deployments. Examples of artifact repositories include but are not limited to AWS CodeArtifact, Amazon ECR, Nexus, and JFrog Artifactory.

Packages should be signed with a digital-signature to allow deployment processes to confirm the code being deployed is from a trusted publisher and has not been altered. AWS Signer can be used to cryptographically sign code for AWS Lambda applications and AWS-supported IoT devices.

Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Run software composition analysis (SCA) tools to find vulnerabilities to package repositories related to open source use, licensing, and security vulnerabilities. SCA tools also launch workflows to fix these vulnerabilities. Any findings that exceed the configured threshold will immediately fail the build and stop any forward progress in the pipeline. These tools also require a software bill of materials (SBOM) exist. Example SCA tools include but are not limited to Dependabot, Snyk, and Blackduck.

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

Generate a software bill of materials (SBOM) report detailing all the dependencies used. Examples of SBOM formats include SPDX and CycloneDX

Test (Beta)

Testing is performed in a beta environment to validate that the latest code is functioning as expected. This validation is done by first deploying the code and then running integration and end-to-end tests against the deployment. Beta environments will have dependencies on the applications and services from other teams in their gamma environments. All actions performed in this stage should complete within 30 minutes to provide fast-feedback.

Integration Tests

Run automated tests that verify if the application satisifes business requirements. These tests require the application to be running in the beta environment. Integration tests may come in the form of behavior-driven tests, automated acceptance tests, or automated tests linked to requirements and/or stories in a tracking system. Test results should be published somewhere such as AWS CodeBuild Test Reports. Examples of tools to define integration tests include but are not limited to Cucumber, vRest, and SoapUI.

Acceptance Tests

Run automated testing from the users’ perspective in the beta environment. These tests verify the user workflow, including when performed through a UI. These test are the slowest to run and hardest to maintain and therefore it is recommended to only have a few end-to-end tests that cover the most important application workflows. Test results should be published somewhere such as AWS CodeBuild Test Reports. Examples of tools to define end-to-end tests include but are not limited to Cypress, Selenium, and Telerik Test Studio.

Test (Gamma)

Testing is performed in a gamma environment to validate that the latest code can be safely deployed to production. The environment is as production-like as possible including configuration, monitoring, and traffic. Additionally, the environment should match the same regions that the production environment uses. The gamma environment is used by other team's beta environments and therefore must maintain acceptable service levels to avoid impacting other team productivity. All actions performed in this stage should complete within 30 minutes to provide fast-feedback.

Launch Environment

Use the compute image from an image repository (e.g., AMI or a container repo) and launch an environment from the image using Infrastructure Source Code. The gamma environment should be in a different AWS Account from the tools used to run the deployment pipeline. Access to the gamma environment should be handled via cross-account IAM roles rather than long lived credentials from IAM users. Example tools for defining infrastructure code include but are not limited to AWS Cloud Development Kit, AWS CloudFormation and HashiCorp Terraform.

Deploy Software

Deploy software to the gamma environment. Software is not deployed from source but rather the artifact that was packaged and stored in the Build Stage will be used for the deployment. Software to be deployed should include digital signatures to verify that the software came from a trusted source and that no changes were made to the software. Software deployments should be performed through Infrastructure Source Code. Access to the gamma environment should be handled via cross-account IAM roles rather than long lived credentials from IAM users. Examples of tools to deploy software include but are not limited to AWS CodeDeploy, Octopus Deploy, and Spinnaker.

Application Monitoring & Logging

Monitor deployments across regions and fail when threshold breached. The thresholds for metric alarms should be defined in the Infrastructure Source Code and deployed along with the rest of the infrastructure in an environment. Ideally, deployments should be automatically failed and rolled back when error thresholds are breached. Examples of automated rollback include AWS CloudFormation monitor & rollback, AWS CodeDeploy rollback and Flagger.

Synthetic Tests

Tests that run continuously in the background in a given environment to generate traffic and verify the system is healthy. These tests serve two purposes: 1/ Ensure there is always adequate traffic in the environment to trigger alarms if a deployment is unhealthy 2/ Test specific workflows and assert that the system is functioning correctly. Examples of tools that can be used for synthetic tests include but are not limited to Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics,Dynatrace Synthetic Monitoring, and Datadog Synthetic Monitoring.


Manual Approval

As part of an automated workflow, obtain authorized human approval before deploying to the production environment.

Progressive Deployment

Deployments should be made progressively in waves to limit the impact of failures. A common approach is to deploy changes to a subset of AWS regions and allow sufficient bake time to monitor performance and behavior before proceeding with additional waves of AWS regions.

Software should be deployed using one of progressive deployment involving controlled rollout of a change through techniques such as canary deployments, feature flags, and traffic shifting. Software deployments should be performed through Infrastructure Source Code. Access to the production environment should be handled via cross-account IAM roles rather than long lived credentials from IAM users. Examples of tools to deploy software include but are not limited to AWS CodeDeploy. Ideally, deployments should be automatically failed and rolled back when error thresholds are breached. Examples of automated rollback include AWS CloudFormation monitor & rollback, AWS CodeDeploy rollback and Flagger.