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ASEA to LZA Upgrade Preparation - Inventory Script(link)

The steps described in this file are a subset of the full ASEA to LZA upgrade steps. These steps don't modify your environment and can be run as part of your upgrade preparation to help identify features or configurations that require extra planning or considerations.


Required tools(link)

You will need Git, the AWS CLI, NodeJS and Yarn installed.

Clone The ASEA Repo(link)

You will need to clone the ASEA GitHub repository:

git clone

Install the project dependencies and build the project(link)

  • Navigate to the directory which contains the upgrade scripts:
cd aws-secure-environment-accelerator
cd reference-artifacts/Custom-Scripts/lza-upgrade/src
  • Install dependencies and build the project:
yarn install
yarn build

Note: The <root-dir> placeholder in further instructions in this document corresponds to the current working directory.

Inventory script(link)

The inventory script is part of the ASEA to LZA upgrade tools. It parses your ASEA configuration file and extract key information about your configuration to help prepare your upgrade and identify potential elements that are not automatically supported by the upgrade process. The tool only needs access to your ASEA raw configuration file and doesn't need access to the AWS accounts. It outputs data about the high-level configuration of OU, accounts and VPC, including the name of these elements. Review the content of the file to make sure it doesn't contain information you consider sensitive before sharing its content.

Obtain a local copy of ASEA raw configuration file(link)

The inventory script runs on the raw version of the ASEA config file that is transformed by the state machine. This file is stored in the ASEA-Config-Repo CodeCommit repository under raw/config.json. Locate the file and download it to a local folder on your workstation.

Run the tool(link)

cd <root-dir>
yarn run inventory <path-to-raw-config.json>

When the tools completes it generates a asea-inventory.json under the folder outputs/inventory. Review the content of the file to make sure it doesn't contain information you consider sensitive before sharing its content. Any warnings part of the output help you identify parts of your configuration that require careful planning.

Generate the LZA configuration files(link)

The convert-config script allows you to generate the LZA configuration files based on your current ASEA deployment. The LZA configuration validation tool can be used to confirm that the generated configuration is valid and doesn't contain any errors.

Retrieve Temporary IAM Credentials via AWS Identity Center(link)

Prior to running the inventory scripts, you will need temporary IAM credentials in order to run the script in your management account. In order to retrieve these, follow the instructions here and set the temporary credentials in your environment:

Create Upgrade Tool Configuration File and Prepare Environment(link)

Creates the configuration file used by the upgrade tool. The configuration file will be created in the directory <root-dir>/src/input-config/input-config.json.

cd <root-dir>
yarn run migration-config local-update-only

⚠️ Warning: Make sure to specify the local-update-only argument, otherwise the script will deploy resources (S3 bucket, CodeCommit repositories) in your management account to prepare for the upgrade. These resources are not needed now.

Convert Configuration Overview(link)

In order to accomplish the upgrade, the existing ASEA configuration file needs to be converted into LZA configuration files ( The convert-config script parses through the ASEA configuration file and for each resource block does the following:

  • Reads in the ASEA configuration object
  • Decides the ASEA Object Type
  • Maps object and resource metadata file to LZA Object
  • Creates proper Deployment Targets for the LZA Object (This defines which accounts the resource will be deployed to) Once the entire ASEA configuration file has been converted, the output LZA configuration files will be stored locally in the current directory in a sub-directory named outputs\lza-config. The files will also be created in the CodeCommit repository name <prefix-name>-LZA-config

Convert Configuration Commands(link)

cd <root-dir>
yarn run convert-config local-update-only

Configuration validation(link)

The Landing Zone Accelerator has tools that can be used to validate the configuration locally. This can help catch errors locally before applying the upgrade in the actual AWS environment.

Obtain and build the Landing Zone Accelerator code(link)

To run those tools you need to download and build the Landing Zone Accelerator code.

These commands should be run in dedicated folder to store the LZA code base (referred as <lza-code> in instructions), outside of the current folder with the upgrade scripts.

cd <lza-code>
git clone
cd source
yarn install
yarn build

To run the next commands you need to confirm you have valid temporary credentials to your management account as mentioned at the beginning of this guide.

Validating LZA configuration files(link)

LZA has a tool to validate your configuration files. We strongly recommend you run this tool on the generated LZA configuration file to spot any errors.

See Configuration Validator section in the LZA developer guide for more details.

To run the configuration validation, run the following commands from the LZA source directory by passing the path to the LZA config file as an argument. The path to your configuration file is based on what you generated in the previous step: <root-dir>/outputs/lza-config

cd <lza-code>/source
yarn validate-config <root-dir>/outputs/lza-config

Additional documentation(link)

We strongly encourage you to review the Feature specific considerations and Key differences between ASEA and LZA sections of the upgrade guide to identify any other particularities that should be taken into consideration for your upgrade planning.