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The configuration file schema documentation is a work in progress. Please use this draft document with caution. The deeper you browse into the hierarchy, the less accurate the definitions are likely to be.

This section within global-options is used to define a consistent set of VPC Flog Log settings, which will be utilized when VPC Flow logging is enabled on a VPC within either an organizational units or a specific account.


  • VPCFlowLogConfig




custom-fields: string[]
Title: Custom Fields
Description: With a custom format, you specify which fields are included in the flow log records and in which order. This enables you to create flow logs that are specific to your needs and to omit fields that are not relevant. Using a custom format can reduce the need for separate processes to extract specific information from the published flow logs. You can specify any number of the available flow log fields, but you must specify at least one


default-format: boolean
Title: Default Format
Description: With the default format, the flow log records include only certain fields. You cannot customize or change the default format. To capture additional fields or a different subset of fields, specify a custom format instead.


Title: Filter
Description: For filter, specify the type of traffic to log. Choose all to log accepted and rejected traffic, reject to log only rejected traffic, or accept to log only accepted traffic


Title: Interval
Description: Aggregation interval in seconds