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The configuration file schema documentation is a work in progress. Please use this draft document with caution. The deeper you browse into the hierarchy, the less accurate the definitions are likely to be.

This section is used define the deployment configuration for higher level objects like like rsyslog clusters, 3rd party firewalls and management appliances, Transit Gateways, and directory services like MAD and ADCs within an account. Directory service deployments only supported in mandatory-accounts.


  • Deployments1



Optional adc

Title: ADC
Description: Deploy an Active Directory Connector

Optional firewall-manager

Title: Firewall Manager
Description: Deploy a 3rd party Firewall Management Appliance

Optional firewalls

firewalls: (FirewallEC2Config1 | FirewallCGWConfig1 | { apply-tags?: {}; block-device-mappings: string[]; bootstrap?: string; cpu-utilization-scale-in?: number; cpu-utilization-scale-out?: number; create-eip?: boolean; deploy?: boolean; desired-hosts: number; enforce-imdsv2?: boolean; fw-instance-role?: string; image-id: string; instance-sizes: string; key-pair?: string; load-balancer: string; max-hosts: number; max-instance-age: number; min-hosts: number; name: string; region: string; root-volume-size: number; security-group: string; subnet: string; type: "autoscale"; user-data?: string; vpc: string })[]
Title: Firewalls
Description: Deploys 3rd party firewalls

Optional mad

Title: MAD
Description: Deploy an AWS Managed Active Directory (MAD)

Optional rsyslog

Title: Rsyslog
Description: Deploy an rsyslog cluster

Optional tgw

Title: TGW
Description: Deploys Transit Gateways