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The configuration file schema documentation is a work in progress. Please use this draft document with caution. The deeper you browse into the hierarchy, the less accurate the definitions are likely to be.

Used to define the target group configuration for an ELB deployment, per the defined configuration, in either the account-configs or organizational-units sections of the config file.


  • ALBTargetConfig1



Optional health-check-path

health-check-path: string
Title: Health Check Path
Description: The destination for health checks on the targets.

Optional health-check-port

health-check-port: number
Title: Health Check Port
Description: The port the load balancer uses when performing health checks on targets. The default is to use the port on which each target receives traffic from the load balancer

Optional health-check-protocol

health-check-protocol: string
Title: Health Check Protocol
Description: The protocol the load balancer uses when performing health checks on targets. The possible protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. The default is the HTTP protocol

Optional lambda-filename

lambda-filename: string
Title: Lambda Filename
Description: You can register a single Lambda function with each target group. Elastic Load Balancing must have permissions to invoke the Lambda function

Optional port

port: number
Title: Port
Description: TCP Port of the target: 1-65535

Optional protocol

protocol: string
Title: Protocol
Description: HTTP or HTTPS

Optional target-instances

target-instances: ALBTargetFirewallInstance1[]
Title: Target Instances
Description: Array of specific instances to be used as targets


target-name: string
Title: Target Name
Description: Name of the target


target-type: string
Title: Target Type
Description: When you create a target group, you specify its target type, which determines the type of target you specify when registering targets with this target group. values: instance, ip, lambda

Optional tg-weight

tg-weight: number
Title: Tg Weight
Description: Priority of the target