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The configuration file schema documentation is a work in progress. Please use this draft document with caution. The deeper you browse into the hierarchy, the less accurate the definitions are likely to be.

AWS Config Rule definition


  • AWSConfigRules



Optional max-frequency

max-frequency: string
Title: Max Frequency
Description: Maximum frequency


name: string
Title: Name
Description: Name of the rule

Optional parameters

parameters: {}
Title: Parameters
Description: Parameters passed to the rule Lambda function

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: string

Optional remediation

remediation: boolean
Title: Remediation
Description: Attempt remediation

Optional remediation-action

remediation-action: string
Title: Remediation Action
Description: Name of the SSM automation document to invoke for remediation

Optional remediation-attempts

remediation-attempts: number
Title: Remediation Attempts
Description: Number of attempts for remediation

Optional remediation-concurrency

remediation-concurrency: number
Title: Remediation Concurrency
Description: Lambda concurrency

Optional remediation-params

remediation-params: {}
Title: Remediation Params
Description: Parameters sent to SSM remediation action

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: string | string[]

Optional remediation-retry-seconds

remediation-retry-seconds: number
Title: Remediation Retry Seconds
Description: Number of seconds between remediation attempts

Optional resource-types

resource-types: string[]
Title: Resource Types
Description: Resource type to be monitored by a custom Config rule

Optional runtime

runtime: string
Title: Runtime
Description: Runtime for the Lambda function code of a custom Config rule

Optional runtime-path

runtime-path: string
Title: Runtime Path
Description: For each Lambda runtime, the PATH variable includes specific folders in the /opt directory. If you define the same folder structure in your layer .zip file archive, your function code can access the layer content without the need to specify the path

Optional type

Title: Type
Description: Set to "custom" for custom rules, leave empty for managed rules