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The configuration file schema documentation is a work in progress. Please use this draft document with caution. The deeper you browse into the hierarchy, the less accurate the definitions are likely to be.

This section is used to define each CloudWatch Alarm. If a value is provided as a CloudWatch alarm default it does not need to be specified, unless being overriden.


  • CloudWatchAlarmDefinitions



Optional accounts

accounts: string[]
Title: Accounts
Description: Account(s) where the CloudWatch Alarms is to be deployed. Specify ALL to target all accounts in the Organization.


alarm-description: string
Title: Alarm Description
Description: Alarm description to provide context about the alarm up to 1024 characters.


alarm-name: string
Title: Alarm Name
Description: Custom name of the alarm without spaces.

Optional comparison-operator

comparison-operator: string
Title: Comparison Operator
Description: Comparison and logical operators with either a pair of time series or a pair of single scalar values.

Optional evaluation-periods

evaluation-periods: number
Title: Evaluation Periods
Description: Define the number of datapoints within the evaluation period that must be breaching to cause the alarm to go to ALARM state.

Optional in-org-mgmt-use-lcl-sns

in-org-mgmt-use-lcl-sns: boolean
Title: In Org Mgmt Use Lcl Sns
Description: undefined


metric-name: string
Title: Metric Name
Description: The resource metric name to base the alarm on.

Optional namespace

namespace: string
Title: Namespace
Description: A namespace is a container for CloudWatch metrics.

Optional period

period: number
Title: Period
Description: A period is the length of time associated with a specific Amazon CloudWatch statistic.

Optional regions

regions: string[]
Title: Regions
Description: Currently only the Accelerator home region is supported.


sns-alert-level: string
Title: Sns Alert Level
Description: Define the alarm state that will trigger this action.

Optional statistic

statistic: string
Title: Statistic
Description: Statistics are metric data aggregations over specified periods of time.

Optional threshold

threshold: number
Title: Threshold
Description: Static threshold type define a threshold value. Anomaly Detection Threshold type threshold Based on a standard deviation. Higher number means thicker band, lower number means thinner band. Must be a positive number.

Optional threshold-type

threshold-type: string
Title: Threshold Type
Description: Static to use a value as a threshold or Anomaly Detection to use a band as a threshold.

Optional treat-missing-data

treat-missing-data: string
Title: Treat Missing Data
Description: How to treat missing data when evaluating the alarm.