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The configuration file schema documentation is a work in progress. Please use this draft document with caution. The deeper you browse into the hierarchy, the less accurate the definitions are likely to be.

Configure an IAM Role in IAM for this account


  • IAMRoleConfig1




boundary-policy: string
Title: Boundary Policy
Description: Boundary policies attached to the role. This boundary policies must be defined in the Boundary Policy section


policies: string[]
Title: Policies
Description: Permission policies attached to the role. These policies must be defined in the Policy section


role: string
Title: Role
Description: Name of the role

Optional source-account

source-account: string
Title: Source Account
Description: If the role is to be assumed by another AWS account, provide the account name as defined in the config file

Optional source-account-role

source-account-role: string
Title: Source Account Role
Description: Role assumed in the source account

Optional ssm-log-archive-access

ssm-log-archive-access: boolean
Title: Ssm Log Archive Access
Description: This field is DEPRECATED, please use ssm-log-archive-write-access

Optional ssm-log-archive-read-only-access

ssm-log-archive-read-only-access: boolean
Title: Ssm Log Archive Read Only Access
Description: Set to true if this role requires read-only access to the log archive bucket.

Optional ssm-log-archive-write-access

ssm-log-archive-write-access: boolean
Title: Ssm Log Archive Write Access
Description: Set to true if this role requires read and write access to the log archive bucket.

Optional trust-policy

trust-policy: string
Title: Trust Policy
Description: Trust policy for the role


type: string
Title: Type
Description: Type of role: i.e. EC2