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Pre-upgrade validations(link)

The Landing Zone Accelerator has tools that can be used to validate the configuration locally. This can help catch errors locally before applying the upgrade in the actual AWS environment.

Obtain and build the Landing Zone Accelerator code(link)

To run those tools you need to download and build the Landing Zone Accelerator code.

The following commands should be run in a dedicated folder, outside of the current folder with the upgrade scripts, to store the LZA code base (referred as <lza-code> in instructions)

cd <lza-code>
git clone
cd source
yarn install
yarn build

To run the next commands you need to confirm you have valid temporary credentials to your management account as mentioned at the beginning of this guide.

Validating LZA configuration files(link)

LZA has a tool to validate your configuration files. We strongly recommend you run this tool on the generated LZA configuration file to spot any errors.

See Configuration Validator section in the LZA developer guide for more details.

To run the configuration validation, run the following commands from the LZA source directory by passing the path to the LZA config file as an argument.

cd <lza-code>/source
yarn validate-config <root-dir>/outputs/lza-config

Validate Service Control Policies size(link)

The upgrade to LZA generally does not modify your current SCP statements. The only exception is that the organization-admin-role can be added to the SSM and S3 statements of the Guardrails-Part-0 and Guardrails-Part-1 SCPs if it is not already there. This can potentially bring those SCP over the limit if the existing content was close to the limit.

We recommend that you verify the number of characters of all SCP files to confirm they are not over the 5120 characters limit. You can run the following command from within the outputs/lza-config folder to print the size of each SCP file.

for FILE in service-control-policies/*; do echo -n $FILE; echo -n ' '; cat $FILE | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]//g' |  tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n' | wc -c; done

Validation complete(link)

You have successfully validated the configuration and the preparation steps.


Stop here if you are not ready to proceed with the ASEA to LZA upgrade. Otherwise move to the next section to start the upgrade.