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Upgrade pre-requisites and configuration(link)


  • You are running the latest version of ASEA. If you are not running ASEA version 1.5.11 then upgrade ASEA before starting the ASEA to LZA upgrade process
  • Confirm all suspended accounts are under a specific OU that is ignored by the accelerator. (see Suspended accounts)
  • Confirm you don't have any empty OU that don't contain any active AWS Accounts and are not referenced from the ASEA configuration files. The convert-config tool won't generate empty OUs in the configuration. This doesn't apply to the default OUs created from the base ASEA configuration (i.e. Dev, Test, Prod, Central), those can be empty.
  • You can run the scripts from your local workstation. If you are filtering egress traffic from your corporate network you need to ensure outbound connectivity to AWS service endpoints.
  • You will need Git, AWS CLI, NodeJS and Yarn installed.
  • We highly recommend having appropriate AWS Support plans on all AWS Accounts of your landing zone. For any issues encountered during the upgrade process you need to open a support case to get assistance and exchange relevant information with AWS staff. At a minimum Developer support is needed on the management account and core landing zones accounts (Logging, Security, Networking and Perimeter) to troubleshoot any cross-account issues. Business support is the minimum recommended tier if you have production workloads in AWS
  • Monitor and manage your service quotas. See the FAQ Which Service Quotas should be monitored for the upgrade?
  • Upgrading your landing zone from ASEA to LZA requires advanced knowledge of configuring and operating ASEA and LZA landing zones. This operation should be led by your most-experienced resources responsible for your current landing zone operations. Review all the documentation in this upgrade guide and Landing Zone Accelerator implementation guide.

Technical Prerequisites(link)

Before running the upgrade tools, ensure you meet the following requirements:

Environment Requirements

Recommended Environment: Linux or MacOS with a Bash-like shell

⚠️ Important Note: Windows compatibility is limited as tools have not been extensively tested on this platform

Verify npm installation(link)

Node.js uses the npm package manager to help you install tools and frameworks for use in your application. To confirm you have npm installed you can run the following command:

npm -v

Set your node heap size(link)

Set your node heap size to at least 4k

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096

Install Yarn(link)

Utilizing the npm package manager, you can install yarn globally using the following command:

npm install -g yarn

Clone The ASEA Repo(link)

In order to prepare the ASEA environment for upgrade you will need to clone the ASEA GitHub repository:

git clone

Install the upgrade scripts project dependencies and build the project(link)

  • Navigate to the directory which contains the upgrade scripts:
cd aws-secure-environment-accelerator
cd reference-artifacts/Custom-Scripts/lza-upgrade
  • Install dependencies and build the project:
yarn install
yarn build

Note: The <root-dir> placeholder in further instructions in this document corresponds to the current working directory.


Retrieve Temporary IAM Credentials via AWS Identity Center(link)

Prior to running the upgrade scripts, you will need temporary IAM credentials in order to run the script. In order to retrieve these, follow the instructions here and set the temporary credentials in your environment:

Create Upgrade Tool Configuration File and Prepare Environment(link)

Creates the configuration file used by the upgrade tool. The configuration file will be created in the directory <root-dir>/src/input-config/input-config.json.

cd <root-dir>
yarn run migration-config


By default the upgrade tool uses ca-central-1 as the home region. If you use a different home region you need to set the AWS_REGION environment variable before running migration-config. e.g. AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 yarn run migration-config

Detailed information

This command will also deploy a CloudFormation template and create two CodeCommit repositories. The CloudFormation template will create an S3 bucket for the resource mapping files. The first CodeCommit repository will also be used for the resource mapping files. The second CodeCommit repository will be used for the Landing Zone Accelerator configuration files that will be created in a later step.

To skip the creation of these resources and only generate the local configuration file, you can use the local-update-only argument.

yarn run migration-config local-update-only

Confirm Outputs(link)

Navigate to <rootDir>/src/input-config/input-config.json and confirm the file has been generated with values corresponding to your environment. It is not expected that these values will need to be modified.

Two CodeCommit repositories have been created

  • <prefix-name>-Mappings to store resource mapping
  • <prefix-name>-LZA-config to store LZA configuration
Detailed documentation of input-config.json
  • aseaPrefix: The ASEA prefix used for ASEA deployed resources. This can be found in the initial ASEA Installer CloudFormation template Parameters under AcceleratorPrefix. Ex: ASEA-
  • acceleratorName: The ASEA accelerator name. This can be found as a parameter in the initial ASEA Installer CloudFormation template.
  • repositoryName: The ASEA Repository name used to store ASEA Configuration files. This can be found either in the initial ASEA Installer CloudFormation template Parameters under ConfigRepositoryName or in the CodeCommit Service.
  • assumeRoleName: The name of the role which will be assumed during the upgrade process. Ex: <prefix-name>-PipelineRole
  • parametersTableName: The name of the DynamoDB Table where ASEA account metadata is stored. This can be found by:
    • Navigating to the DynamoDB service home page
    • Selecting Tables from the drop down on the left side of the console.
    • Finding the table name similar to <prefix-name>-Parameters.
  • homeRegion: Home Region for ASEA. This field can be retrieved from the ASEA Configuration file
  • mappingBucketName: Name of the S3 bucket to write the mapping output to. Ex: asea-lza-resource-mapping-<management-account-id>
  • aseaConfigBucketName: Name of ASEA created phase-0 central bucket, will be used to copy and convert assets for LZA.
  • operationsAccountId: Operations Account Id.
  • installerStackName: The name of the ASEA installer CloudFormation stack.
  • centralBucket: The name of the ASEA Phase 0 configuration bucket. Ex: asea-management-phase0-configcentral1-ocqiyas45i27
  • mappingRepositoryName: The name of the CodeCommit repository resource mapping repository. Ex. ASEA-Mappings. Do not modify this value.
  • lzaConfigRepositoryName: The name of the CodeCommit repository that will store the LZA configuration files. Ex. ASEA-LZA-config. Do not modify this value.
  • lzaCodeRepositorySource: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack. Ex. github
  • lzaCodeRepositoryOwner: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack. Ex. awslabs
  • lzaCodeRepositoryName: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack. Ex. landing-zone-accelerator-on-aws
  • lzaCodeRepositoryBranch: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack. Ex. release/v1.11.0
  • managementAccountEmail: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack.
  • logArchiveAccountEmail: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack.
  • auditAccountEmail: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack.
  • controlTowerEnabled: This value will be used when deploying the LZA installer CloudFormation stack. Possible values Yes or No