Job Analyzer

The performs the cost simulation using the outputs from, or

It produces an hour-by-hour cost simulation, placing the output in the output/ subfolder (by default).

For convenience, the analyzer can call the parser and analyze the output in 1 step, however we recommend performing the analysis in separate stages (see "How data is analyzed") in

Video walkthrough

The fastest way to learn about using to simulate your HPC Costsis to watch this short walkthrough.

Video walkthrough - Running the Cost Simulation

Once you've run the tools, you'll see the hourly_stats.xlsx file under your output subdirectory. To learn how to use this file and apply cost optimizaitons, go to the Outputs documenration page and watch the video walkthrough there.

Prerequisites relies on:

  1. the virtual environment created by the setup script. run source to setup the virtual environment.
  2. config.yml which defines the configuration of the analysis. For more details on the configuration file, see the configuration documentation
  3. instance_type_info.json which contains instance type details and pricing. The file is part of the repository, but if you want to download an update list of instances and their prices, please see Updating the Instance Type Information

Performing the cost simulation

Once you generated a CSV file from your Scheduler (See instructions for IBM LSF, SchedMD Slurm abd Altair Engineering Accelerator) you can perform the cost simulation (step 3) using

To parse the CSV file into the final anonymized Excel report, run:

./ csv --input-csv INPUT_CSV_FILE_NAME


By default, HCS places all output files in the output/ folder (this can be changed using the --output-dir parameter to Note: The output folder will get overwritten without prompting you for approval.

Full Syntax

Arguments provided to JobAnalyzer are required in a specific order:

    ./ <Arguments that apply to all schedulers> <Parser type> <Parser-specific Arguments>

These are the common arguments.

usage: [-h] [--starttime STARTTIME] [--endtime ENDTIME]
                      [--config CONFIG] [--acknowledge-config]
                      [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--output-csv OUTPUT_CSV]
                      parser ...

Analyze jobs

positional arguments:
  parser                Choose the kind of information to parse.
                        ./ <parser> -h for parser specific
    accelerator         Parse Accelerator (nc) job information
    csv                 Parse CSV from already parsed job information.
    lsf                 Parse LSF logfiles
    slurm               Parse Slurm job information
    hourly_stats        Parse hourly_stats file so can create Excel workbook

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --starttime STARTTIME
                        Select jobs after the specified time. Format YYYY-MM-
                        DDTHH:MM:SS (default: None)
  --endtime ENDTIME     Select jobs before the specified time. Format YYYY-MM-
                        DDTHH:MM:SS (default: None)
  --config CONFIG       Configuration file. (default: ./config.yml)
  --acknowledge-config  Acknowledge configuration file contents so don't get
                        prompt. (default: False)
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Directory where output will be written (default:
  --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
                        CSV file with parsed job completion records (default:
  --debug, -d           Enable debug mode (default: False)

Arguments that apply to all schedulers

When used, these parameters must precede the parser type:

  --starttime STARTTIME     Select jobs after the specified time. Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (default: None)
  --endtime ENDTIME         Select jobs before the specified time. Format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (default: None)
  --config CONFIG           Configuration file. (default: ./config.yml)
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR   Directory where output will be written (default: output)
  --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV   CSV file with parsed job completion records (default: None)
  --debug, -d               Enable debug mode (default: False)
  --help, -h                Show help message

Parser Type

The tool supports 5 parser types:

    accelerator         Parse Accelerator (nc) job information
    lsf                 Parse LSF accounting records (lsb.acct fields)
    slurm               Parse Slurm job information
    csv                 Parse CSV from a previously parsed job information.
    hourly_stats        Parse the hourly output files from a previous run

Parser-Specific Arguments - Accelerator

usage: accelerator [-h] [--default-mem-gb DEFAULT_MEM_GB]
                                  (--sql-output-file SQL_OUTPUT_FILE | --sql-input-file SQL_INPUT_FILE)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --default-mem-gb DEFAULT_MEM_GB
                        Default amount of memory (in GB) requested for jobs.
                        (default: 0.0)
  --sql-output-file SQL_OUTPUT_FILE
                        File where the output of sql query will be written.
                        Cannot be used with --sql-input-file. Required if
                        --sql-input-file not set. Command to create file: nc
                        cmd vovsql_query -e "select, jobs.submittime,
                        jobs.starttime, jobs.endtime,,
                        jobs.exitstatus, jobs.maxram, jobs.maxvm,
                        jobs.cputime, jobs.susptime from jobs inner join
                        resources on" >
                        SQL_OUTPUT_FILE (default: None)
  --sql-input-file SQL_INPUT_FILE
                        File with the output of sql query so can process it
                        offline. Cannot be used with --sql-output-file.
                        Required if --sql-output-file not set. (default: None)

Parser-Specific Arguments - LSF

usage: lsf [-h] [--logfile-dir LOGFILE_DIR]
                          --default-max-mem-gb DEFAULT_MAX_MEM_GB

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --logfile-dir LOGFILE_DIR
                        LSF logfile directory (default: None)
  --default-max-mem-gb DEFAULT_MAX_MEM_GB
                        Default maximum memory for a job in GB. (default:

Parser-Specific Arguments - Slurm

usage: slurm [-h] [--slurm-root SLURM_ROOT]
                            [--sacct-output-file SACCT_OUTPUT_FILE | --sacct-input-file SACCT_INPUT_FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --slurm-root SLURM_ROOT
                        Directory that contains the Slurm bin directory.
                        (default: None)
  --sacct-output-file SACCT_OUTPUT_FILE
                        File where the output of sacct will be written. Cannot
                        be used with --sacct-input-file. Required if --sacct-
                        input-file not set. (default: None)
  --sacct-input-file SACCT_INPUT_FILE
                        File with the output of sacct so can process sacct
                        output offline. Cannot be used with --sacct-output-
                        file. Required if --sacct-output-file not set.
                        (default: None)

Note: The tool will call sacct to get accounting logs, if you don't have it installed on the machine, please see the documentation for details on how to save them to a CSV file.

What's Next?

Once completed, you can find your Excel report under output/hourly_stats.xlsx. You can share it with your AWS account team (Recommended) for further cost optimization guidance, or you can learn more about the data in the Excel in the Output documentation page.