Slurm parses the Slurm Accounting Database records, and its output is then used by for cost simulation.

Video walkthrough

The fastest way to learn about using HPC Cost Simulator SchedMD Slurm is to watch this short walkthrough.

Video walkthrough - SchedMD Slurm

Modes of running the tool has 2 modes of operation, online and offline.

In offline mode, the job completion data is extracted using sacct ahead of processing (not as part of the script execution). This allows processing to happen on a Linux machine not configured as part of the Slurm cluster (non production machine).

When running in this mode, provide the file path to HCS using the --sacct-input-file argument.


Online means HCS will call the sacct command directly, which requires the Linux machine to have sacct installed and configured as well as the permissions to access accounting records from all users.

Running in this mode will store the output of the sacct command in a CSV file to allow additional analysis to be done offline (minimizing calls the Slurm head node). You need to provide the name of this CSV file using the --sacct-output-file argument.

If the Slurm bin folder is not in your path, you will also need to provide the --slurm-root argument, pointing to the Slurm bin folder.

Note: You can't use both --sacct-input-file and --sacct-output-file together.

Collecting the data

To see data collection command syntax, run:

./ --show-data-collection-cmd

As of this writing, the command is:

sacct --allusers --parsable2 --noheader --format State,JobID,ReqCPUS,ReqMem,ReqNodes,Constraints,Submit,Eligible,Start,Elapsed,Suspended,End,ExitCode,DerivedExitCode,AllocNodes,NCPUS,MaxDiskRead,MaxDiskWrite,MaxPages,MaxRSS,MaxVMSize,CPUTime,UserCPU,SystemCPU,TotalCPU,Partition --starttime 1970-01-01T0:00:00 > SlurmAccounting.csv

Parsing the Job Completion Data

First you must source the setup script to activate the virtual environment and install all the dependencies in it.

./ \
    --sacct-input-file SlurmAccounting.csv \
    --output-csv jobs.csv

Full Syntax

usage: [-h]
                         (--show-data-collection-cmd | --sacct-output-file SACCT_OUTPUT_FILE | --sacct-input-file SACCT_INPUT_FILE)
                         [--output-csv OUTPUT_CSV] [--slurm-root SLURM_ROOT]
                         [--starttime STARTTIME] [--endtime ENDTIME] [--debug]

Parse Slurm logs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Show the command to create SACCT_OUTPUT_FILE.
                        (default: False)
  --sacct-output-file SACCT_OUTPUT_FILE
                        File where the output of sacct will be written. Cannot
                        be used with --sacct-file. Required if --sacct-input-
                        file not set. (default: None)
  --sacct-input-file SACCT_INPUT_FILE
                        File with the output of sacct so can process sacct
                        output offline. Cannot be used with --sacct-output-
                        file. Required if --sacct-output-file not set.
                        (default: None)
  --output-csv OUTPUT_CSV
                        CSV file with parsed job completion records (default:
  --slurm-root SLURM_ROOT
                        Directory that contains the Slurm bin directory.
                        (default: None)
  --starttime STARTTIME
                        Select jobs after the specified time. Format YYYY-MM-
                        DDTHH:MM:SS (default: None)
  --endtime ENDTIME     Select jobs before the specified time. Format YYYY-MM-
                        DDTHH:MM:SS (default: None)
  --debug, -d           Enable debug mode (default: False)

What's next?

Once completed, you can run step #3 (cost simulation) by following the instructions for the JobAnalyzer. Since you already generated a CSV file, you will use JobAnalyzer with the csv option.