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Data Warehouse Data Loading

Data Pipeline

The data warehouse implements an ELT strategy to ingest data from the data lake. The ELT strategy consists of loading prepared data from the Clean layer of the data lake into the data warehouse and then transforming it into a specific data model optimized for the business queries.

The following steps outline the data pipeline from the data lake into the data warehouse:

High Level Data Flow

  1. AWS Glue Workflow reads CSV files from the Raw layer of the data lake and writes them to the Clean layer as Parquet files.
  2. Stored procedures in Amazon Redshift’s stg_mystore schema extract data from the Clean layer of the data lake using Amazon Redshift Spectrum via the ext_mystore external schema imported from the AWS Glue Data Catalog for incremental loads, or the COPY command for history loads.
  3. The stored procedures then transform and load the data into a star schema model in the dw_mystore schema.

Incremental Loads

This diagram describes the process flow for the incremental load of the customer_dim dimension table.

Incremental Load

  1. The incremental load process is initiated by calling the stored procedure sp_run_incremental_load. In production, sp_run_incremental_load is called every 30 mins by the Amazon Redshift Data API via an AWS Step Function. No parameters are required for this procedure. The procedure loads each target star schema table in series, dimensions first then facts. The following steps explain the loading of the customer_dim dimension.
  2. sp_run_incremental_load calls the sp_load_customer_dim stored procedure.
  3. sp_load_customer_dim selects a high watermark timestamp from the dw_incremental_dates table for each of the customer_dim’s source tables. A high watermark is a timestamp that records the maximum date and time of the data from the previous load. This is used as a start date for the next load, ensuring only new or changed data is processed.
  4. sp_load_customer_dim selects data from tables in the ext_mystore external schema, external tables return data from the data lake via Amazon Redshift Spectrum. This procedure then transforms and loads the data into the wrk_customer_dim working table. A working table is a normal table used to temporarily hold data to be processed and is cleared out at the beginning of every load. An Amazon Redshift TEMPORARY table could be used for this purpose; however, to facilitate debugging, a standard table has been used with the BACKUP NO setting to prevent the data from being copied to snapshots.
  5. sp_load_customer_dim performs slowly changing dimension (SCD) type 1 and 2 logic loading into the target dimension customer_dim. The type of load into the target will be different depending on what kind of dimensional object is being loaded. SCD type 1 dimensions and fact tables are merged into by replacing existing rows in the target. Dimensions with SCD type 2 fields are loaded using multi-step logic. Surrogate keys are assigned to new dimension records by an IDENTITY column in the target table.

History Loads

This diagram describes the process flow for the history load of the sale_fact table. History loads for other fact tables use a similar process.

History Load

  1. The history load process for the sale_fact table is initiated by calling the stored procedure sp_load_sale_fact. This is a manual process run by an administrator via a SQL client tool when needed. The parameters p_load_type VARCHAR, p_start_date DATE and p_end_date DATE are required for this procedure. p_load_type needs to be set to 'HISTORY', p_start_date and p_end_date needs to be set to the date range to be loaded.
  2. sp_load_sale_fact loops through the given date range and loads the store_sale staging table one day at a time with the COPY command. The procedure then selects data from the staging table, applies transformations, looks up surrogate keys from dimension tables in the dw_mystore schema, and loads the data into the wrk_sale_fact working table. The surrogate key lookups are performed by joining to dimension tables on the source system natural keys and returning the surrogate primary keys from the dimensions.
  3. sp_load_sale_fact merges data from the working table into the target fact table. The merge is performed by joining the working table to the fact table, deleting rows out of the fact that exist in the working table, and then inserting all rows from the working table into the fact. This is all performed inside a transaction, so if any step fails, the whole change is rolled back. This merge process is explained in depth in the Redshift Database Developer Guide.