Export Options

Ambit provides two export options:

  1. To cook and export the current map: This option will contain all the files and folders required by Unreal Engine including Icons, Materials, Textures, etc.
  2. To convert the map to glTF (glTF or GLB): This option exports either a single binary file (GLB) that contains all the associated texture and material information, or a glTF file along with all the texture files.

Both options export the map for a target platform and upload the contents to Amazon S3.

Before getting started, make sure to have properly set up your AWS Account.

Select TargetPlatforms And Export Map

You can find the Map Export Settings menu in AWS Ambit Scenario Mode.

Locating the Map Export Settings menu

First you can select the Export Platforms of your permutation via the checkboxes. Note: Platforms here mean standalone runtime platform.

Next you can click Export Map at the bottom of the Map Export Settings menu. The exported content with name ${MapName}_${Platform} will be uploaded to S3 bucket.

Export as glTF

The second option to export the map is as glTF. After configuring the AWS Settings and selecting an Export Platform, you can select the target file type using the dropdown menu.

Exporting glTF Menu

Once you click the Export glTF button, the converted map along with all other metadata (textures, materials, etc.) will be uploaded to the configured S3 bucket as a zipped folder in the format ${MapName}_${GltfFileType}.

Note: This option only works if there is at least one static mesh available for export. Any actors that aren't static mesh actors will not be exported, such as lighting, Ambit Spawners, etc.