Spawn in Volume Actor

The Spawn in Volume actor works by using the position of the actor and the pre-made box component attached to the actor to determine the rectangular area where obstacles will be spawned. If the bounded area contains multiple surface types, you can fine tune the Spawn in Volume's behavior by specifying by 2 surface name pattern and/or by tag (see Ambit Spawner: How To Use Tags). This will limit obstacles to spawn only on the surfaces that match your specifications within the bounded area. If you don't want to manually specify surfaces, there is also the option to 1 snap all spawned obstacles to any surfaces below the bounded area.

Spawn in Volume will use the 3 density range and the 5 rotation range you provide to instantiate copies of an Unreal Engine actor randomly selected from an 7 array of Unreal Engine actors you've chosen within the box component's bounds. If you want all spawned obstacles to face the same direction, you can select 4 Restrict to One Rotation and Spawn in Volume will automatically update the range's maximum to equal its minimum. To enable physics simulation on your spawned obstacles, just select 6 Add Physics. By default, the Spawn in Volume will remove overlaps, but this behavior can be turned off by unselecting 8 Remove Overlaps. To change the placement pattern, just adjust the 9 Random Seed value.

Spawn in Volume annotated UI

Using Spawn in Volume

After adding a Spawn in Volume instance to your map you will see an icon like this. You can place it at any 3D location you'd like. The position of the Spawn in Volume instance is the center of the bounding plane. You can transform the Spawn in Volume instance by rotation, translation, and scaling to adjust the rotation, position, and size of the box component. The box component's dimensions can also be changed in the Shape category of the Details panel.

Spawn in Volume placement

If you specified surfaces for Spawn in Volume using surface name pattern and/or tags, or if you choose Snap to Surface Below, Spawn in Volume will calculate the appropriate height (Z-axis) for each of the spawned obstacles. If no surfaces are specified and Snap to Surface Below, then AmbitSpawnerBounding will its height for all of the spawned obstacles.


It's easiest to understand the effect of each of the Spawn in Volume parameters by seeing them in action. You will find a variety of examples in the Spawn in Volume Examples section.