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Benchmark models on EKS

You can use FMBench to benchmark models on hosted on EKS. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • Deploy the model on your EKS cluster independantly of FMBench and then benchmark it through the Bring your own endpoint mode.
  • Deploy the model on your EKS cluster through FMBench and then benchmark it.

The steps for deploying the model on your EKS cluster are described below.

👉 EKS cluster creation itself is not a part of the FMBench functionality, the cluster needs to exist before you run the following steps. Steps for cluster creation are provided in this file but it would be best to consult the DoEKS repo on GitHub for comprehensive instructions.

  1. Add the following IAM policies to your existing FMBench Role:

    1. AmazonEKSClusterPolicy: This policy provides Kubernetes the permissions it requires to manage resources on your behalf.

    2. AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy: This policy provides the Amazon VPC CNI Plugin (amazon-vpc-cni-k8s) the permissions it requires to modify the IP address configuration on your EKS worker nodes. This permission set allows the CNI to list, describe, and modify Elastic Network Interfaces on your behalf.

    3. AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy: This policy allows Amazon EKS worker nodes to connect to Amazon EKS Clusters.

  2. Once the EKS cluster is available you can use either the following two files or create your own config files using these files as examples for running benchmarking for these models. These config files require that the EKS cluster has been created as per the steps in these instructions.

    1. config-llama3-8b-eks-inf2.yml: Deploy Llama3 on Trn1/Inf2 instances.

    2. config-mistral-7b-eks-inf2.yml: Deploy Mistral 7b on Trn1/Inf2 instances.

    For more information about the blueprints used by FMBench to deploy these models, view: DoEKS docs gen-ai.

  3. Run the Llama3-8b benchmarking using the command below (replace the config file as needed for a different model). This will first deploy the model on your EKS cluster and then run benchmarking on the deployed model.

    fmbench --config-file > fmbench.log 2>&1
  4. As the model is getting deployed you might want to run the following kubectl commands to monitor the deployment progress. Set the model_namespace to llama3 or mistral or a different model as appropriate.

    1. kubectl get pods -n <model_namespace> -w: Watch the pods in the model specific namespace.
    2. kubectl -n karpenter get pods: Get the pods in the karpenter namespace.
    3. kubectl describe pod -n <model_namespace> <pod-name>: Describe a specific pod in the mistral namespace to view the live logs.