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Run FMBench on Amazon EC2

For some enterprise scenarios it might be desirable to run FMBench directly on an EC2 instance with no dependency on S3. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Have a t3.xlarge (or larger) instance in the Running stage. Make sure that the instance has at least 50GB of disk space and the IAM role associated with your EC2 instance has AmazonSageMakerFullAccess policy associated with it and added to its Trust relationships.

        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Principal": {
            "Service": ""
        "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

  2. Setup the fmbench_python311 conda environment. This step required conda to be installed on the EC2 instance, see instructions for downloading Anaconda.

    conda create --name fmbench_python311 -y python=3.11 ipykernel
    source activate fmbench_python311;
    pip install -U fmbench
  3. Create local directory structure needed for FMBench and copy all publicly available dependencies from the AWS S3 bucket for FMBench. This is done by running the script available as part of the FMBench repo.

    curl -s | sh
  4. Run FMBench with a quickstart config file.

    fmbench --config-file /tmp/fmbench-read/configs/llama2/7b/config-llama2-7b-g5-quick.yml --local-mode yes > fmbench.log 2>&1
  5. Open a new Terminal and navigate to the foundation-model-benchmarking-tool directory and do a tail on fmbench.log to see a live log of the run.

    tail -f fmbench.log
  6. All metrics are stored in the /tmp/fmbench-write directory created automatically by the fmbench package. Once the run completes all files are copied locally in a results-* folder as usual.