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Setting up Quarto

FMBench uses Quarto for generating reports. At the end of a run it downloads a Quarto container from quarto and converts a markdown report into an HTML report. If however, download a Docker container is blocked in your environment you can install Quarto using the following steps. These are also described on the Quarto website.

Here are the steps, copy paste them on a Linux based Amazon EC2 instance. This is required to be done one time only.

# download Quarto tarball

# replace the workspace path as appropriate for your environment

tar -C $WORKSPACE_PATH/opt -xvzf quarto-1.6.39-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE_PATH/.local/bin
ln -s $WORKSPACE_PATH/opt/quarto-1.6.39/bin/quarto $WORKSPACE_PATH/.local/bin/quarto
( echo ""; echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$WORKSPACE_PATH/.local/bin/quarto" ; echo "" ) >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile