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Bring your own endpoint (a.k.a. support for external endpoints)

If you have an endpoint deployed on say Amazon EKS or Amazon EC2 or have your models hosted on a fully-managed service such as Amazon Bedrock, you can still bring your endpoint to FMBench and run tests against your endpoint. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Create a derived class from FMBenchPredictor abstract class and provide implementation for the constructor, the get_predictions method and the endpoint_name property. See SageMakerPredictor for an example. Save this file locally as say

  2. Upload your new Python file ( for your custom FMBench predictor to your FMBench read bucket and the scripts prefix specified in the s3_read_data section (read_bucket and scripts_prefix).

  3. Edit the configuration file you are using for your FMBench for the following:

    • Skip the deployment step by setting the 2_deploy_model.ipynb step under run_steps to no.
    • Set the inference_script under any experiment in the experiments section for which you want to use your new custom inference script to point to your new Python file ( that contains your custom predictor.