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Sample AWS Blockchain Node Runner app for Starknet Nodes

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Starknet is a "Layer 2" scaling solution for Ethereum leveraging zero knowledge proofs. This blueprint helps to deploy Starknet nodes (Juno) on AWS as RPC nodes. It is meant to be used for development, testing or Proof of Concept purposes.

Overview of Deployment Architectures for Single Node setups

Single node setup

Single Node Deployment

  1. A Starknet node deployed in the Default VPC continuously synchronizes with the Sequencer through Internet Gateway.
  2. The Starknet node is used by dApps or development tools internally from within the Default VPC. JSON RPC API is not exposed to the Internet directly to protect nodes from unauthorized access.
  3. You will need access to a fully-synced Ethereum RPC endpoint before running Juno.
  4. The Starknet node sends various monitoring metrics for both EC2 and Starknet nodes to Amazon CloudWatch.

Additional Materials

Well-Architected Checklist

This is the Well-Architected checklist for Stacks nodes implementation of the AWS Blockchain Node Runner app. This checklist takes into account questions from the AWS Well-Architected Framework which are relevant to this workload. Please feel free to add more checks from the framework if required for your workload.

SecurityNetwork protectionAre there unnecessary open ports in security groups?There are no ports open to public. RPC port 6060 is open only IP addresses from the same VPC.
Traffic inspectionAWS WAF could be implemented for traffic inspection. Additional charges will apply.
Compute protectionReduce attack surfaceThis solution uses Ubuntu Server 20.04 AMI. You may choose to run hardening scripts on it.
Enable people to perform actions at a distanceThis solution uses AWS Systems Manager for terminal session, not ssh ports.
Data protection at restUse encrypted Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumesThis solution uses encrypted Amazon EBS volumes.
Use encrypted Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucketsThis solution uses Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) encryption.
Data protection in transitUse TLSTLS is not used in this solution. Port 6060 is the only open port, but you may create HTTPS listener with self signed certificate if TLS is desired.
Authorization and access controlUse instance profile with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instancesThis solution uses AWS Identity and Access Management (AWS IAM) role instead of IAM user.
Following principle of least privilege accessIn all node types, root user is not used (using special user "ubuntu" instead).
Application securitySecurity focused development practicescdk-nag is being used with appropriate suppressions.
Cost optimizationService selectionUse cost effective resources1. AMD-based instances are used for Consensus and RPC node to save the costs. Consider compiling Graviton-based binaries to improve costs for compute.
2. Cost-effective EBS gp3 are preferred instead of io2.
Cost awarenessEstimate costsSingle RPC node with m6a.2xlarge EBS gp3 volume about 600 GB with On-Demand pricing will cost around US$323.29 per month in the US East (N. Virginia) region not including network requests for follower nodes. More analysis needed.
ReliabilityResiliency implementationWithstand component failuresThis solution ues only for a single-node deployment. If the running node failed, you will need to undeploy the existing stack and re-deploy the node again.
Data backupHow is data backed up?Considering blockchain data is replicated by nodes automatically and Starknet nodes sync from start within an hour and a half, we don't use any additional mechanisms to backup the data.
Resource monitoringHow are workload resources monitored?Resources are being monitored using Amazon CloudWatch dashboards. Amazon CloudWatch custom metrics are being pushed via CloudWatch Agent.
Performance efficiencyCompute selectionHow is compute solution selected?Compute solution is selected based on best price-performance, i.e. AWS AMD-based Amazon EC2 instances.
Storage selectionHow is storage solution selected?Storage solution is selected based on best price-performance, i.e. gp3 Amazon EBS volumes with optimal IOPS and throughput.
Architecture selectionHow is the best performance architecture selected?We used a combination of recommendations from the Starknet community.
Operational excellenceWorkload healthHow is health of workload determined?We rely on metrics reported to CloudWatch by /opt/ script.
SustainabilityHardware & servicesSelect most efficient hardware for your workloadThe solution uses AMD-powered instances. There is a potential to use AWS Graviton-based Amazon EC2 instances which offer the best performance per watt of energy use in Amazon EC2.

Hardware Requirements

Minimum for Starknet node

  • Instance type m6a.large.
  • 250GB EBS gp3 storage with at least 3000 IOPS.

Recommended for Starknet node

  • Instance type m6a.2xlarge.
  • 600GB EBS gp3 storage with at least 3000 IOPS to store and upzip snapshots.

Setup Instructions

Open AWS CloudShell

To begin, ensure you login to your AWS account with permissions to create and modify resources in IAM, EC2, EBS, VPC, S3, KMS, and Secrets Manager.

From the AWS Management Console, open the AWS CloudShell, a web-based shell environment. If unfamiliar, review the 2-minute YouTube video for an overview and check out CloudShell with VPC environment that we'll use to test nodes API from internal IP address space.

Once ready, you can run the commands to deploy and test blueprints in the CloudShell.

Clone this repository and install dependencies

git clone
cd aws-blockchain-node-runners
npm install

Deploy Single Node

  1. Make sure you are in the root directory of the cloned repository

  2. If you have deleted or don't have the default VPC, create default VPC

aws ec2 create-default-vpc

NOTE: You may see the following error if the default VPC already exists: An error occurred (DefaultVpcAlreadyExists) when calling the CreateDefaultVpc operation: A Default VPC already exists for this account in this region.. That means you can just continue with the following steps.

  1. Configure your setup

    Create your own copy of .env file and edit it to update with your AWS Account ID and Region:

# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet
cd lib/starknet
npm install
cp ./sample-configs/.env-sample-full .env
nano .env

NOTE: Example configuration parameters are set in the local .env-sample file. You can find more examples inside sample-configs directory.

  1. Deploy common components such as IAM role
# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet
npx cdk deploy starknet-common

IMPORTANT: All AWS CDK v2 deployments use dedicated AWS resources to hold data during deployment. Therefore, your AWS account and Region must be bootstrapped to create these resources before you can deploy. If you haven't already bootstrapped, issue the following command:

cdk bootstrap aws://ACCOUNT-NUMBER/REGION
  1. [OPTIONAL] You can use Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Ethereum node as L1 node. To do that, leave STARKNET_L1_ENDPOINT URL empty and, deploy Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Access Ethereum node. Wait about 35-70 minutes for the node to sync.
# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet
npx cdk deploy starknet-ethereum-l1-node --json --outputs-file starknet-ethereum-l1-node.json

To watch the progress, open the AMB Web UI, click the name of your target network from the list (Mainnet, Goerly, etc.) and watch the status of the node to change from Creating to Available.

  1. Deploy Starknet Full Node
# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet
npx cdk deploy starknet-single-node --json --outputs-file single-node-deploy.json

After starting the node you will need to wait for the initial synchronization process to finish. When using snapshot, the node should become available within a couple of hours, but migh take about 3-4 days to sync it from block 0. To check the progress, you may use SSM to connect into EC2 first and watch the log like this:

export INSTANCE_ID=$(cat single-node-deploy.json | jq -r '..|.nodeinstanceid? | select(. != null)')
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID --region $AWS_REGION
tail -f /var/log/starknet/error.log
  1. Test Starknet RPC API Use curl to query from within the node instance:
export INSTANCE_ID=$(cat single-node-deploy.json | jq -r '..|.node-instance-id? | select(. != null)')
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID --region $AWS_REGION

curl --location 'http://localhost:6060' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{


A script on the Starknet node publishes current block and blocks behind metrics to CloudWatch metrics every 5 minutes. When the node is fully synced the blocks behind metric should get to 0.To see the metrics:

  • Navigate to CloudWatch service (make sure you are in the region you have specified for AWS_REGION)
  • Open Dashboards and select starknet-single-node-<network_id> from the list of dashboards.

Clear up and undeploy everything

Destroy all Nodes and Common stacks

# Setting the AWS account id and region in case local .env file is lost
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=<your_target_AWS_account_id>
export AWS_REGION=<your_target_AWS_region>

# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet

# Destroy Single Node
npx cdk destroy starknet-single-node

# Destroy AMB Etheruem node
npx cdk destroy starknet-ethereum-l1-node

# Delete all common components like IAM role and Security Group
npx cdk destroy starknet-common


  1. How to check the logs of the clients running on my Starknet node?

NOTE: In this tutorial we chose not to use SSH and use Session Manager instead. That allows you to log all sessions in AWS CloudTrail to see who logged into the server and when. If you receive an error similar to SessionManagerPlugin is not found, install Session Manager plugin for AWS CLI

# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet

export INSTANCE_ID=$(cat single-node-deploy.json | jq -r '..|.nodeinstanceid? | select(. != null)')
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID --region $AWS_REGION
tail -f /var/log/starknet/error.log
  1. How to check the logs from the EC2 user-data script?
# Make sure you are in aws-blockchain-node-runners/lib/starknet

export INSTANCE_ID=$(cat single-node-deploy.json | jq -r '..|.nodeinstanceid? | select(. != null)')
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID --region $AWS_REGION
sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
  1. How can I restart the Starknet service?
export INSTANCE_ID=$(cat single-node-deploy.json | jq -r '..|.nodeinstanceid? | select(. != null)')
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
aws ssm start-session --target $INSTANCE_ID --region $AWS_REGION
sudo systemctl status starknet.service
sudo systemctl restart starknet.service
  1. Where to find the key juno directories?

    • The directory with binaries is /home/ubuntu/juno-source.
    • The data directory of juno agent is /data