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Using AppSync

Define or change the schema in ./lib/chatbot-api/schema.

At the moment we only use the schema-ws.graphql to define the real-time API. The REST API might be replaced by AppSync in the future.

If you modified the definition for the schema, you can regenerate the client code using

cd lib/user-interface/react-app
npx @npx @aws-amplify/cli codegen add --apiId <api_id> --region <region>
cd lib/user-interface/react-app
npx @npx @aws-amplify/cli codegen add --apiId <api_id> --region <region>

Accept all the defaults.

If you use a None data source, you need to modify src/API.ts adding:

export type NoneQueryVariables = {
  none?: string | null;
export type NoneQueryVariables = {
  none?: string | null;

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