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Document stores

This solution uses "pluggable" document stores to implement RAG, also called engines. A document store implementation must provide the following functions:

  • a query function to retrieve documents from the store. The function is invoked with the following parameters:
    • workspace_id: str - the workspace id
    • workspace: dict: a dictionary containing additional metadata related to your datastore
    • query: str - the query to search the documents
    • full_response: boolean - a flag indicating if the response should also include the retrieval scores
  • a create function that gets invoked when a new workspace using this document store is created. Perform any operations needed to create resources that needs to be exclusively associated with the workspace
  • a delete function that gets invoked when a workspace is removed. Cleanup any resources you have might have created that are to the exclusive use of the workspace

To keep the current convention, create a new folder inside layers/python-sdk/python/genai_core/ called after your engine in which you create the different functions. Export all the different functions via an file in the same folder.

You need to modify the file to add the invocation for your query function based on the type of engine.

You also need to add a specific create_workspace_<engine> in the file. This function is then invoked by the REST API workspace route handler lib/chatbot-api/functions/api-handler/routes/

[ ] Added API handler function

[ ] Added create_workspace

The call to the delete function for your workspace must be added to the rag-engines/workspaces/functions/delete-workspace-workflow/delete/ function.

[ ] Added delete

The support for your workspace type must also be added to the front-end.

  • react-app/src/components/pages/rag/workspace to implement the document store specific settings
  • react-app/src/components/pages/rag/create-workspace to implement components necessary to create a new workspace based on this document store

[ ] Added UI

This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License.