Update TEAM solution
Ensure that the parameters.sh in the deployment folder is up to date before updating the TEAM solution
Run the update.sh bash script in the deployment folder to update the TEAM application to the latest version.
The update.sh bash script performs the following actions:
- Adds the AWS samples github repo as a git remote
- Pulls the latest version of the TEAM code
- Push the latest version to the TEAM code commit repo which triggers the amplify build and deployment
Removes the AWS samples github repo as a git remote
Ensure that the named profile for the TEAM Deployment account has sufficient permissions before executing the update.sh script
Execute the following command in the root directory to deploy the script
cd deployment
Once the upgrade script has completed execution, go to the AWS Amplify console to monitor the status of the TEAM application build and deployment.
If upgrading to v1.1.2
Due to an ongoing issue the CLOUDTRAIL_AUDIT_LOGS parameter is no longer optional but now a mandatory parameter that accepts the ARN of an existing Cloudtrail Lake event datastore.
If upgrading from v1.1.1 to v1.1.2, create a new Cloudtrail lake event datastore in the delegated admin account outside of TEAM and pass the ARN to the parameter.sh file as shown below:
Verify app deployment
Go to Amplify console: AWS Amplify -> All apps -> TEAM-IDC-APP -> Hosting environments. On the Hosting environments tab, click on the application URL to confirm that it was deployed successfully and you can access the TEAM application landing page as shown in the video below: