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Security and resiliency considerations


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The TEAM application controls access to your AWS environment, and you must manage it with great care to prevent unauthorized access. This solution is built using AWS Amplify to ease the reference deployment. Before operationalizing this solution, consider how to align it with your existing development and security practices.

TEAM account

You need to deploy TEAM in the same account that you nominate for IAM Identity Center delegated administration. We strongly recommend that you use this account only for IAM Identity Center delegated administration, TEAM, and associated services; that you do not deploy any other workloads into this account, and that you carefully manage access to this account using the principle of least privilege.

Elevated access and session duration

TEAM solution workflow operates by attaching and removing permission sets from a user entity within the duration of the requested elevated access. The duration specified in a request determines the time window for which elevated access is active, if the request is approved. During this time window, the requester can invoke sessions to access the AWS target environment. It does not affect the duration of each session. Session duration is configured independently for each permission set by an IAM Identity Center administrator, and determines the time period for which IAM temporary credentials are valid for all sessions using that permission set. Be aware that sessions invoked just before elevated access ends might remain valid beyond the end of the elevated access period. Consider minimizing the session duration configured in your permission sets, for example by setting them as the default 1 hour in IAM Identity Center.

For information about terminating active IAM sessions, see How to revoke federated users’ active AWS sessions

Availability and Break glass access

Some AWS services used by TEAM are regional services, such as Amazon Cognito and AWS IAM Identity Center. TEAM’s dependence on these regional services implies that it might not be available in the event of a service event impacting the region where you enable IAM Identity Center.

If this is a concern, consider setting up emergency access to the AWS Management Console or some other means to provide break glass access.

Management account access

The management account of your organization is a highly privileged account and to adhere to the principal of least privilege, AWS recommends that you restrict access to the management account to as few people as possible. TEAM is designed to be deployed in an account that is a delegated admin for IAM Identity Center. The delegated administrator feature is intended to minimize the number of task that require access to the management account.

The delegated adminstrator account (and TEAM) by design cannot be used to perform the following tasks:

  • Enable or disable user access in the management account
  • Manage permission sets provisioned in the management account

Identity and access management

The TEAM solution is not a replacement for proper Identity and Access governance. While it is delegated the ability to manage elevated access in your AWS IAM Identity Center environment, it does not ensure that proper configurations or access controls are implemented; nor does it assume proper controls and configuration of the roles you enable users to request within the TEAM app. Please familiarize yourself with the service information and security chapters for the leveraged AWS services for more information.

Appsync API security

AWS AppSync API endpoints support currently allow TLS 1.0 and 1.1, as well as some older cipher suites, for backwards compatibility with a long tail of older clients that cannot use more modern TLS configurations. They do so, however, using a number of mitigations such that, especially when combined with Sigv4, which independently provides message integrity as well as not being subject to replay attacks, make the use of 1.0 and 1.1 perfectly reasonable. In any case, those older protocols are only offered to clients, not required; and the actual protocol and cipher suite are fully client-selectable, so any customer using more modern clients will automatically negotiate TLS 1.2 and modern cipher suites. So in reality there is absolutely nothing dangerous or risky about the TLS behavior of these services. Note: Support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will end during 2023. For further details, see TLS 1.2 to become the minimum TLS protocol level for all AWS API endpoints.

In the case of TEAM, you can enforce the required TLS versions and cipher suites on the client side by ensuring that TEAM users are required to use a modern browser and applying the relevant security policies for your client endpoints.

Furthermore, the TEAM solution does not enable WAF on the AppSync api endpoint by default. You can use AWS WAF to protect your AppSync API from common web exploits, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Be aware that this could affect API availability and performance, compromise security, or consume excessive resources. For example, you can use rate-based rules to specify the number of web requests that are allowed by each client IP in a trailing, continuously updated, 5-minute period. For further details, see Using AWS WAF to protect your APIs.

Audit logs

TEAM uses AWS CloudTrail Lake for querying, auditing and logging API activities and actions performed by a user during the period of elevated access. TEAM CloudTrail lake event datastore records all management events and no data events by default. Depending on your organization’s auditing and compliance requirement, consider updating the TEAM CloudTrail lake event data store configuration to either log all events or specific events (read-only, write, read-write, management, data events).

Amplify S3 bucket access logging

AWS Amplify creates an s3 bucket for storing artifacts for deploying the TEAM application.

It is recommended to enable Server access logging for the bucket. However, each organization has its own directives on how this must be achieved. E.g. some organizations mandate that the server access logs be sent to a bucket in a central log archive account which entails additional cross-account permissions. Please refer to Enabling Amazon S3 server access logging for an explanation on how this can be achieved.