In this HoL, FlexMatch uses Serverless Matchmaking for flexible Architecture. This content is different from that of GameLift Classic Lab.
This Architecture is for FlexMatch Lab.
Internal Logic of FlexMatch is different from classical Architecture of GameLift. With GameLift FlexMatch, you are able to use various features with flexible design.
Next architecture describes how this application will work in detail.
In FlexMatch Lab, you are using Serverless Matchmaking with Lambda. And no need to provisioned Matchmaker Server. You can use Matchmaking as per requests efficiently.
1. Lambda functions
2. API Gateway configuration
3. S3 Web hosting
4. Game Server Build and Fleet
5. Serverless based FlexMatch and Lambda API
6. FlexMatch Game Client (Game Play!)
7. FlexMatch Matchmaking Events
8. FlexMatch Ruleset Test