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Document upload

The document uploader is an example tool to enable document uploads into a deployed Galielo system.

This feature is available under the pnpm run galileo-cli document topic (see pnpm run galileo-cli document --help).

Content preparation

Before using the uploader, you need to prepare your content for upload.

The following steps are required:

  • if you want to upload files, they must be in plain text format (.txt)
  • you need to provide a metadata.json which meets the schema requirements (see packages/galileo-cli/src/lib/document/metadata.schema.json).


Check out the examples provided (packages/galileo-cli/examples), additionally, here is an example with comments:

// file: metadata.json
  // the root directory that contains all your files
  // if there are no files used, this can be empty string ""
  // if it's not an absolute path, the relative path will be relative to CWD
  "rootDir": "./",

  // metadata object containing key-value pairs, that will be applied to every document that is uploaded
  "metadata": {
    "domain": "my-domain", // domain must be set
    "appliesTo": "every-file-uploaded" // additional key-value pairs are optional

  // documents to upload
  "documents": {
    // option 1: the key is a file path _relative to_ the `rootDir`
    "relative/path/my-filename.txt": {
      // key-value pairs that will be applied only to this document
      "metadata": {
        "key1": "value1"
    // option 2: the key is a unique identifier (no file used)
    "MyCSV-Line1": {
      // if no local file used, `pageContent` must be provided
      "pageContent": "content",

      // key-value pairs that will be applied only to this document
      "metadata": {
        "key1": "value1"

Metadata with non–US-ASCII characters

We are utilizing S3's User-defined object metadata. In certain cases, metadata needs to be added that has non–US-ASCII characters (e.g.: metadata defined in other languages).

For this case, we define a special metadata key called json-base64, that must have a value of a base64-encoded string of a JSON-object containing string-any key-value pairs.


// metadata to add:
  "chìa khóa": "giá trị", // "key": "value" in Vietnamese

// document metadata:
  // ...
  "documents": {
    "myDocumentKey": {
      "metadata": {
        "json-base64": "eyJjaMOsYSBraMOzYSI6Imdpw6EgdHLhu4sifQ==" // Buffer.from(mySpecialCharsMetadata).toString("base64")

During the indexing process, the base64-encoded string will be decoded and the values merged with the other provided metadata.

Note: Out of the box, the CLI's document uploader will not handle this key in any special way. It is up to the developer to implement the encoding (typically in an external module that is loaded by the CLI).

Example external modules to produce metadata required for the document uploader

While using the document upload command, you will get a prompt:

Enter the path to the metadata file or the the module that loads metadate (js/ts) (CWD: xxx):

The uploader supports two types of inputs, which are described in the following sections.

1. Metadata file

You just need to pass in a path to a metadata.json and its content will be loaded and validated against the schema (see Content preparation section above)

2. Metadata loader module

In this case, you can implement your own way of automation. Your script will return either

  • the path to a generated metadata.json file, or
  • a DocumentMetadata object


In your script, you need to import DocumentMetadata and IMetadataProvider from the CLI's package, and define a class named MetadataProvider that implements IMetadataProvider:

import { DocumentMetadata, IMetadataProvider } from "../../src"; // or, later: ... from "@aws-galileo/cli"

export class MetadataProvider implements IMetadataProvider {
  async getMetadata(): Promise<string | DocumentMetadata> {

    // option 1:
    const metadataFile: string = ...
    // ... here comes your implementation
    return metadataFile

    // OR
    // option 2:
    const documentMetadata: DocumentMetadata = {
      // fill out the object
    return documentMetadata;

The CLI will use the returned metadata.json path to load and validate the metadata, or, just take the returned DocumentMetadata and upload all documents defined in it.

Note: make sure that if you're returning a DocumentMetadata from your script AND using file references in the documents object, rootDir is properly defined with an absolute path.


We provide multiple working examples for metadata loader modules in the packages/galileo-cli/examples directory.

The following examples listed are increasing in complexity:

  • simple-upload - shows how to create a metadata.json file
  • csv-loader - shows how to parse a csv file and return either the path to a generated metadata.json, or the DocumentMetadata object
  • excel-loader - shows how to parse a multi-worksheet excel file and create pageContent with metadata