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Validate and review the deployment

Validating the deployment

To confirm that the Galileo application has been deployed and ready for use:

  1. In your AWS console, type "CloudFormation" in the top search bar and select AWS CloudFormation from the service list.
  2. On the CloudFormation page, from the left, select Stacks.
  3. If the deployment has been successfully completed, you will see a number of stacks with a CREATE_COMPLETE status. CloudFormation Stacks

    If there are any stacks that are still in progress, wait until they are all complete.

Reviewing the application

To check if the application has deployed successfully:

  1. From the Stacks page, choose the Dev-Galileo stack.
  2. Select the Outputs tab to see a list of key value pairs for WebsiteUrl. Galileo Stack outputs

  3. Select to open the url value of WebsiteUrl. If the application deployed and is running successfully, a login screen is displayed. Galileo login screen

  4. Use your admin username and password (received via email) to sign in to the UI. The UI chat page displays. Galileo chat