Predefined models

Disclaimer: Use of Third-Party Models

By using this sample, you agree that you may be deploying third-party models (“Third-Party Model”) into your specified user account. AWS does not own and does not exercise any control over these Third-Party Models. You should perform your own independent assessment, and take measures to ensure that you comply with your own specific quality control practices and standards, and the local rules, laws, regulations, licenses and terms of use that apply to you, your content, and the Third-Party Models, and any outputs from the Third-Party Models. AWS does not make any representations or warranties regarding the Third-Party Models.

Bedrock Model access

Provider Model Instance / Size Model Status1 Prompt Status2 Notes
SageMaker Falcon Lite ml.g5.12xlarge Quite stable and great for general purpose, flexible prompt engineering
SageMaker Falcon 7B ml.g5.16xlarge Prefer Lite version
SageMaker Falcon 40B ml.g5.48xlarge Expensive for unquantifiable benefits, Lite version is preferred at this time
SageMaker LLama2 ml.g5.12xlarge 🧪 Followup questions are inconsistent, and formatting markup in responses - complex prompt engineer
Bedrock Claude V2 - Good results and easy to work with
Bedrock Jurassic - Should work
Bedrock Titan - Should work

Service Quotas

Ensure the necessary Service Quota limits for SageMaker models meet the capacity of your deployment configurations (<instance> for endpoint usage).

Status Keys
  1. Model Status: Defines stability of deployment/integration with model and model/endpoint kwargs configuration optimization.
  2. Prompt Status: Defines robustness and adaptability of prompt templates and engineering for this model.
Status Description
- Not applicable
❓ Not tested yet, might work, might not
🧪 Very experimental, with high probability of undesirable results or errors
Works for specific use case, but not vetted in the wild
Should work for general use cases, but not fully battle tested
🏁 Awesome, battled tested and ready for use