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The website front end provided as part of Galileo is based on the Cloudscape React TS Website construct, which is part of the AWS Project Development Kit (PDK).

Configuration values used by the deployed website (such as the Cognito User Pool Id or the region) are generated at deployment time and stored in a file called "runtime-config.json", which you will need if you want to host a local instance of the website during development.

To do this, obtain a copy of the deployed configuration file from the root of the URL of the CloudFront distribution deployed by Galileo (https://[root_cloudfront_url]/runtime-config.json) and copy it to the demo/website/public directory before running pnpm run dev from the demo/website directory.

cd /path/to/ckeckedout/project/demo/website
curl -o public/runtime-config.json https://[root_cloudfront_url]/runtime-config.json
pnpm run dev